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State Of The Goonion - Communication is key!
So another big change was thrown on us with no warning. I thought asking the community if something sounded cool enough to try, so coders could have gotten tons of feedback before a big idea got added so that players got to play in a better game environment which would in turn avoid the scorn of players who were thrust into a unfun environment and expected to be happy about it.

Was this all just fluff to make us be quiet at the time this thread was made? Cause we were told communication about changes would get better and now we are back at square one.

Posting this cause coders ignored my questions on this topic and when someone else agreed with me he was told to make a admin complaint.

All my questions about what fun this fluid change would bring and what the goal was were completely ignored and just got one admin upset where he decided to not read everything I said and talk down to me. Going as far as asking why I do I even play on this server anymore. For the record I think this is a cool concept of a idea. I just wanted to know what fun it could bring to the game and what the overall goal was for the idea and why no communication was given about it. All of which was ignored or I was talked down to about it.

My main issue was that after being told communication between coders and the community would get better that it seems that it's not true and it seems to be that way with the way I was ignored and treated for asking that in discord. After something is added knowing what they think about the idea, why they wanted it in the game and the goals they wanted to achieve with the idea is nice to know. Gives you a better understanding on what they plan and what they are thinking and how they want to change the game so more new and fun things are added.

I'm very disappointed cause instead of getting answers I was ignored and pretty much told to go play somewhere else. This would have been a admin complaint if this thread did not exist.

EDIT: Me asking coders "What fun do you think this will bring?" is not me saying "I don't think this has any chance of being fun why did you add it to the game?!" and asking "What's the goals you have for this idea?" is not me asking "How did you think it was a good idea to put this in the game?"

Messages In This Thread
RE: State Of The Goonion - Communication is key! - by Ed Venture - 10-29-2017, 02:47 PM

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