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remove all cluwne effects with spaceacillin
seems pretty dumb and useless to have a "cure" of being cluwned when all it does is let you wear normal close, i can't even operate terminals ffs. i think that being spaceacillin'd should either a) remove all effects of cluwnization or b) kept as is, but have a more harder to reach chem remove all the effects. i just don't think that you should be forced to be kept as a cluwne permanently one way or another. i'm aware of cloning but a majority of the time that a wizard is cluwning people, they've most likely destroyed the cloner as well. i just think you should have more options of getting rid of the debilitating defects of being a half brained green man  Banging head against the wall

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remove all cluwne effects with spaceacillin - by brojob - 10-14-2017, 05:02 PM

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