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More non-lethal takedowns, weapons, and restraints
I would absolutely love more nonviolent ways of dealing with people. Preferably more "soft stuns" too, i.e. stuff that stuns you but doesn't also completely? blind you would be nice. Pinning would be a REALLY cool thing for both mechanics and RP, like a sec officer tackling a guy down and pinning him so he can be dealt with by other officers.

The biggest problem, I think, with combat in this game and antag vs crew balance is that almost all of the weapons you can makeshift are massively destructive, i.e. pipebombs, canbombs, flamethrowers, etc. I've been pushing this "give the crew some options with less collateral damage, for fuck's sake!" angle for a looong time. Hell, even the nonlethal tranq gun gets you fucked up by Beepsky, which is immensely frustrating as MD sometimes. That, and killing the wrong guy on a hunch is. . frowned upon, generally. Just annoying him on a hunch would be an improvement!

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RE: More non-lethal takedowns, weapons, and restraints - by Nnystyxx - 09-26-2017, 12:53 AM

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