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Has anyone ever used computers for anything cool?
Calling/recalling the shuttle, controlling the buddies and the teleporter (possibly remotely) and pretending to be someone (or something) you're not come to mind. There's a bunch of other stuff, too, which I'll edit my post with when I have more time.

edit: Okay, so in terms of the wireless network, what most people are probably acquainted with would be PDAs, airlocks, and lockers. Obviously you can send messages over the wireless network with your PDA, but you can also craft (spoof, sometimes) packets to do things, such as pretend to be other people/things (which is also how you interact with airlocks and lockers). The most convenient way to do this would be a Network Diagnostic cartridge, but one shortcoming is that all your crafted packets carry your PDA's ID (as the sender). If you don't know where to start, I'd suggest just turning on the sniffing program at the default frequency (114.9) and walking around.

With the wired network, obviously you have TermOS, which is what DWAINE (and therefore all the research equipment) runs off of. With a terminal you can call/recall the shuttle, talk to the AI, print things, command the guardbuddies, mess with the teleporter and artlab equipment, and set off nukes (among other things). You can also do this remotely with MechComp components. Obviously some of these things will be locked behind special permissions, but if you do a bit of sniffing (that's what those bulky packet sniffers are for!), it'll become fairly evident what you need to make happen. When you term_ping, you get a list of names and IDs, and that's basically everything that's connected on the wired network (for the moment). For example, on the NSS Destiny, where the shields are part of the wired network, you can craft a packet that pretends to be the shield generator and turn them on/off. You can send these packets with the file_send command, SigCraft, or through MechComp components.

What exactly does a packet look like? Something like this:

[Image: omXj4rr.png]

They have basically the same format (just maybe a couple different parts) for both the wireless and wired network.

Some very good resources:

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RE: Has anyone ever used computers for anything cool? - by Flourish - 09-25-2017, 04:52 AM

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