09-23-2017, 10:53 PM
I usually play between several games at a time for reasons I don't comprehend.
Right now, they're Prison Architect, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Warlock - Master of the Arcane, and Eurotruck Simulator.
Prison Architect:
![[Image: ktoru-budovatelsku-hru-sa-opla-image-781-450.jpg]](http://www.sector.sk/files/novinky/2016-7-16-16-49-77/ktoru-budovatelsku-hru-sa-opla-image-781-450.jpg)
Build a prison. Keep prisoners happy to keep them from getting out of hand. Or don't and hire a shit ton of armed guards to shoot the inevitable riots. Take in death row inmates and get annoyed when they get transferred to maximum security, making them a permanent member of your game. Make snitches, get annoyed when you overuse those snitches and get them killed. Get annoyed when your prisoners dig their way out cause you decided to not get dogs. All sorts of fun to be had.
Crypt of the Necrodancer:
![[Image: thumb_400_0_20170409085343746.jpg]](http://img.kxdw.com/2017/0409/thumb_400_0_20170409085343746.jpg)
You into rogue likes? What about Rhythm games? Why not both? Dungeon delve to a beat and get really really REALLY frustrated when you inevitably die to the weakest fucking thing you can find. Lots of awesome music too. I mean, I would hope so. Would you play a rhythm game with a crappy OST? I wouldn't.
Also, Danganronpa is in it for some reason?
Warlock - Master of the Arcane
![[Image: 1462346884_1340367450_warlock-master-of-...ane-51.jpg]](http://rutorgame.org/uploads/posts/2016-05/1462346884_1340367450_warlock-master-of-the-arcane-51.jpg)
You want to know a nerd game? Sid Meier's Civilization. You wanna know how to make it nerdier? Slap some DnD on that shit. You and several other wiznerds are trying to prove your greatness in various ways. Cast the greatest spell ever thought, control the mass majority of holy grounds, piss off a god enough to fight their champion and win, just flat out stomp the shit out of the other wiznerds. And what kind of wiznerd wouldn't have spells? Change the land itself, give units enchantments, blow shit the fuck up, all at your fingertips.
Euro Truck Simulator
Drivin a truck. Drivin a big ol truck.
Right now, they're Prison Architect, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Warlock - Master of the Arcane, and Eurotruck Simulator.
Prison Architect:
![[Image: ktoru-budovatelsku-hru-sa-opla-image-781-450.jpg]](http://www.sector.sk/files/novinky/2016-7-16-16-49-77/ktoru-budovatelsku-hru-sa-opla-image-781-450.jpg)
Build a prison. Keep prisoners happy to keep them from getting out of hand. Or don't and hire a shit ton of armed guards to shoot the inevitable riots. Take in death row inmates and get annoyed when they get transferred to maximum security, making them a permanent member of your game. Make snitches, get annoyed when you overuse those snitches and get them killed. Get annoyed when your prisoners dig their way out cause you decided to not get dogs. All sorts of fun to be had.
Crypt of the Necrodancer:
![[Image: thumb_400_0_20170409085343746.jpg]](http://img.kxdw.com/2017/0409/thumb_400_0_20170409085343746.jpg)
You into rogue likes? What about Rhythm games? Why not both? Dungeon delve to a beat and get really really REALLY frustrated when you inevitably die to the weakest fucking thing you can find. Lots of awesome music too. I mean, I would hope so. Would you play a rhythm game with a crappy OST? I wouldn't.
Also, Danganronpa is in it for some reason?
Warlock - Master of the Arcane
![[Image: 1462346884_1340367450_warlock-master-of-...ane-51.jpg]](http://rutorgame.org/uploads/posts/2016-05/1462346884_1340367450_warlock-master-of-the-arcane-51.jpg)
You want to know a nerd game? Sid Meier's Civilization. You wanna know how to make it nerdier? Slap some DnD on that shit. You and several other wiznerds are trying to prove your greatness in various ways. Cast the greatest spell ever thought, control the mass majority of holy grounds, piss off a god enough to fight their champion and win, just flat out stomp the shit out of the other wiznerds. And what kind of wiznerd wouldn't have spells? Change the land itself, give units enchantments, blow shit the fuck up, all at your fingertips.
Euro Truck Simulator
Drivin a truck. Drivin a big ol truck.