09-16-2017, 08:51 PM
/obj/machinery/computer/cloning/proc/scan_mob(mob/living/carbon/human/subject as mob)
if ((isnull(subject)) || (!istype(subject, /mob/living/carbon/human)))
src.temp = "Error: Unable to locate valid genetic data."
if(!allow_dead_scanning && subject.decomp_stage)
src.temp = "Error: Failed to read genetic data from subject.<br>Necrosis of tissue has been detected."
if (!subject.bioHolder || subject.bioHolder.HasEffect("husk"))
src.temp = "Error: Extreme genetic degredation present."
Well, you can still SR them in the very least. Even if it's easier to do a brain transplant, or even if you could scan them, I'd prefer they get SR'd - it's damned hilarious to have a bunch of husks walking around.