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Detective BloodTrak Tracking Device!
(09-11-2017, 04:10 AM)Roomba Wrote:
(09-10-2017, 10:15 PM)Crystalwarrior Wrote: You, yourself, admit that the job is not being taken seriously - so why not do something about it?
Also, no offense, but ending the argument with 'well, I'm now coding this as it stands, your input is no longer needed or wanted because I'm coding this and you're not' is, while true, not really something that endears you to people. I'd rather have stuff hashed out properly here than rushing ahead, cause that just leads to dueling patches and github drama like that which has crippled so many other SS13 servers. I'm not even against it's current implementation in its current form, just making an observation.

Sorry, wasn't my intention - by "do something about it" I didn't precisely mean the blanket "go code it yourself" anti-cricisim shield bullshit, I was more referring to talking and discussing the issue.

That being said, I really appreciate your post and you do bring up some valid concerns and criticisms of the job itself - personally, I believe detective is a support role and, while sometimes more efficient than sec, detective still lacks the manpower and exists as a "loose cannon" - he is, by design, a less trustworthy sec officer with more tracking tools and less responsibilities, and I think it's okay as it has the potential to bring out a more interesting dynamic in security affairs.

In changeling rounds for example, a good detective can track down a changeling and (temporarily) save the crew from a disaster - if he doesn't run off to do that on his own and get absorbed, that is. Detective's biggest dilemma is trust - if your fellow sec officers don't trust you, you're off on your own.

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RE: Detective BloodTrak Tracking Device! - by Crystalwarrior - 09-11-2017, 06:57 AM

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