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Detective BloodTrak Tracking Device!
Your cynicism is coming out of the wazoo there Roomba, and is poorly directed.

Are we seriously arguing here that more fun tools to play with is a bad thing? Honestly only this forum could imply more things is bad (that isn't aesthetic and actually functioning, we have a plethora of the former).

What you are suggesting is something no coder can fix, and that's the culture around the detective.
How about we code something that anytime the detective shoots lethals at the clown, we send a 50,000 Volts down the internet and directly into the players crotch to discourage them for misbehaving? Oh wait..

We can't fix that, so don't even try. Security (including the detective) lack any means to incentivize them to do their job properly. It's all under their own volition. I've seen players, mentors even, spawn as security and immedietely piss off to the bar. Like seriously, nice gimmick, but don't tell me you didn't join security so you could be a staff assitant with guns.

So how the heck do we encourage those who wish to play to do it properly? I can't think of any other way than to give them to tools to do so. Expansion on forensics and methods of tracking and spying is key.

There's always always always going to be the douche who spawns as detective, sees all his forensic stuff on his table and goes "Nah" and just picks up his .32 and then tries weasel his way into security for a taser so he can be Sec 2.0
We shouldn't not code something just because those players exist. We should accomodate players who actually want to do forensics.

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RE: Detective BloodTrak Tracking Device! - by Sundance - 09-11-2017, 04:48 AM

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