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Igniter/Signaller Aseemblies for Pipebombs
(09-06-2017, 10:16 AM)Superlagg Wrote: Pipebombs are really good at exploding things (duh) and are really cheap to throw together. Blackpowder can cause some serious damage to anyone nearby, typically gibbing them. One of their balancing mechanisms is that you can't set them off at will, relying on a timer and a conspicuous throw to catch people in the blast.

Then again, mousetrap bombs exist, so f-that then. Would be super useful in backpacks and medkits to disguise the bomb and keep people from running. Yeah, sure, why not?

Like, here's my biggest argument about why it would be a good idea. It has to do with my first rounds on SS13 Goonstation, probably back in Winter 2015-2016, and then my life got busy and I stopped playing until relatively recently.

Anyhow, this is the story of the first time I heard the song Uptown Funk.

Someone (lots of details are sadly lost in the mists of time and marijuana) had gone to an awful lot of effort, laying out some type of remote-signaled bomb. Maybe you could remote sig pipe bombs back then. Maybe it was simple welding tanks with igniter/signaller assembles under them. Maybe TTVs. I can't recall. Anyhow, they put it a LOT of work apparently, stashing these things ALL OVER the station. I FEEL like I remember OOC chat saying that each cluster was a box, full of boxes, full of pipe bombs. Anyhow.

All of the sudden the song Uptown Funk starts playing. I dunno if it was an admin playing a round and making the music, or an admin saw what was happening and started the music, or a coincidence, or the guy prayed for a dramatic song, or what. All I know is, I start hearing *clap* "do doo-doo, do doo-doo" etc.

As soon as the horn section comes in, everything starts shaking and the hallway just south of where I was walking was gone. A few bars of music pass and there's a quieter (more distant) explosion, again everything is shaking. Bruno starts patter-singing whatever he says in that song, everything is exploding, people are running around bleeding and on fire. It was the most glorious round I've ever been a part of, and it was seeing everything go to shit like that that made me WANT to stay, though I had to take care of IRL stuff for a while. It was THAT memory that got me to recall the game's existence and come back.

It was the first time I ever heard that song, and the first time I ever saw things go to shit so magnificently.

ON THE OTHER HAND- you're right, pipe bombs are REALLY easy to make. Black powder is less easy to make, but get enough welding fuel pipe bombs and you could definitely be DISRUPTIVE AND OBNOXIOUS. I dunno. Personally I think the potential to do fun "hahahahaha I have laced the station with bombs, here are my demands" stuff outweighs the potential for dumb shit.

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RE: Igniter/Signaller Aseemblies for Pipebombs - by Cyfarfod - 09-06-2017, 01:37 PM

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