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Major New Traits issues/bugs
For Pithecophobia, I vended thirteen monkeys and stood near them, and nothing happened. Not even emotes. The same went for Robophobia (though I didn't get to test standing next to 13 borgs - just one). But even when it's fixed, I really don't think it's worth +2. In comparison to say, Puritan, it's much less debilitating and game-changing. You can spend your entire round avoiding monkeys/borgs/space (and most people do).

For Spaceaphobia, I was right next to space tiles, and nothing happened. I wasn't uneasy, and I didn't freak out. Standing directly on a space tile didn't do anything either - no fainting, no panicking, no random emotes. Neither did drifting through space do anything. I know that the original Spaceaphobia had occasional fainting if you were in space too long. Though, like for Pithecophobia, even when these issues are fixed, I don't think this trait should warrant a +2.

For Big Bruiser, 2-4 punches can knock someone out for 20-30 seconds. It's essentially punching twice as much and makes it ridiculously easy to take someone out. For reference, one punch drains 40 stamina, and can do up to at least 200 on a devastating punch. Most people would be screwed. It's very overpowered.

For Meathead, you stumble into airlocks half of the time. This probably wasn't the intended effect (or was it?), so I'm reporting it, but I actually find it hilarious and would love for it to stay like this.

For Matrix Flopout, the dodge window is way too long. Instead of the half second, it's more like 10. Also, it seems to dodge all projectiles, not just bullets (projectiles seem to be broken in general, though).

For Happy Feet, due to the cooldown, a 1/5 chance of getting someone to dance actually seems pretty small. Maybe change line 1552 of code/mob/living/carbon/ to if (prob(40))? This is actually my fault since I was testing my code as an admin, without a cooldown. Also, certain emotes still show up as "struggles to move" when they logically shouldn't (eg. nod), but this is probably because emote code has been refactored, and so that part of my patch wasn't compatible.

I haven't really tested any of the other new traits (aside from BEEst friend, but there didn't seem to be anything weird with that).

edit: I capitalized "traits" for some reason in my title, and now that's really annoying me because it looks odd. Could an admin change that?

Messages In This Thread
New Traits issues/bugs - by Flourish - 09-03-2017, 11:45 AM
RE: New Traits issues/bugs - by Crystalwarrior - 09-03-2017, 01:13 PM
RE: New Traits issues/bugs - by Flourish - 09-03-2017, 01:35 PM
RE: New Traits issues/bugs - by Avack - 09-03-2017, 01:39 PM
RE: New Traits issues/bugs - by ZeWaka - 09-04-2017, 12:22 AM
RE: New Traits issues/bugs - by Flourish - 09-04-2017, 02:53 AM
RE: New Traits issues/bugs - by Crystalwarrior - 09-04-2017, 06:52 AM
RE: New Traits issues/bugs - by ZeWaka - 09-04-2017, 09:04 AM
RE: New Traits issues/bugs - by Crystalwarrior - 09-05-2017, 09:01 PM
RE: New Traits issues/bugs - by ZeWaka - 09-05-2017, 09:28 PM
RE: New Traits issues/bugs - by Crystalwarrior - 09-06-2017, 12:14 AM
RE: New Traits issues/bugs - by ZeWaka - 09-06-2017, 08:25 PM

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