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increase the amount of time it takes for a headspider to take over
So are people who you see get headspidered human or not? Changelings are not human and we know headspiders are one of the ways used to turn someone into a changeling aka a non-human. All I am saying is there is an argument that can be made that they are not at that point. So unless people who throw headspidered people in the grinder start getting punished I will keep thinking this way. If a Non-Human is a threat to the humans then I don't think no one will be mad at a borg for choosing to be lethal or trap the non-human till others arrive.

Also it seems to take 10-30 seconds for a changeling to take over from what the people/mentors say in this thread. Might be a answer in the code as well. I'll make a effort to count next time I get headspidered and I'll report back.

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RE: increase the amount of time it takes for a headspider to take over - by Ed Venture - 08-31-2017, 10:11 AM

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