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Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing.
I mean... I dunno, most of you probably have known this forever but it was a BIG DEAL to me when I figured out what was going on.

Transferring chems has no action-lag on it if both beakers/containers/whatever are ON YOUR PERSON. Including pockets, etc. This works for syringes, too, if for example you had a Blood IV in a pocket, you can syringe 15 units out VERY QUICKLY to speed synth flesh manufacturing.


Botany watering cans are in every way 120 unit beakers.


To increase botany crop endurance, you want to infuse a specific chem. This chem can be extracted from a really easy source. The source is both a seed you can plant after hacking botany seed vendors, and ALSO exists naturally on the station every round. It is the reason (I assume) that botany has maintenance access. Think about it.

(08-21-2017, 10:07 AM)Superlagg Wrote: An extinguisher full of boiling hot foam (or anything, really) will obliterate anyone you spray it on. Unless they are wearing a hat or anything in their mask slot.

Try spraying a 100+ degree extinguisher on a monkey. Just be sure to cover your face.

Hmmm, how exactly does that work? Do head/mask items effectively prevent touch effects, or is it just preventing the "inhaled hot stuff" effect?

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RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - by Cyfarfod - 08-21-2017, 11:27 AM

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