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Any chance of Securi-borgs making a return?
Here's a thought I had:

The chief concern of people is that if secborgs are easily subverted, very few crewmembers would stand a fighting chance. A valid concern, given that obtaining AI upload access is fairly easy compared to, say, mindslaving an officer. My chief concern, also slightly related, is that if a secborg is acting up/a traitor wants to get them out of the way pre-emptively, the quickest way to do so is to just upload a suicide law or killswitch them all, because it's much easier than actually taking the borgs on in head-to-head combat.

Rather than the secborgs following the standard three laws, they should follow a slightly different three laws, with the upload computer and the related robotics computer located in sec - maybe the armory or something. I'm too tired right now to figure out how they'd be actually worded to prevent abuse, but the key point is that if you want to subvert them or shut them down, you'd have to invade sec to do so, and can do so without touching the rest of the silicons.

To balance it out, there should probably be a limited number of secborg modules, cause I can easily see a zealous MD/roboticist crew gang-pressing every corpse they come across into a secborg crew and shutting down anything interesting going on before it starts.

That's pretty much the only way I can see it being balanced. It's probably far simpler to lean on the side of 'no', though.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Any chance of Securi-borgs making a return? - by Roomba - 08-18-2017, 03:22 AM

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