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Security set-up proposal *with pictures!!*
Captain_Bravo Wrote:How about crates, instead? Prisoners often have a large variety of gear, loading it all in sounds kinda tedious. Stick a couple crates in Sec, and give them a special cargo teleporter that tags a crate with a name and teleports it into secure storage. Prisoner swipes their ID, the confiscatron teleports their crate to them.

But it's meant to work like a very simple vending machine, that sounds more like a complicated teleportation device.

It wouldn't be that tedious at all to load their items. You should only be emptying their pockets, confiscating their bag, and if they have anything on their belt, that too. The stuff in their pockets can go into their bag, as well as the stuff on their belt, if it's a toolbelt, then that'll have to go in separately. That's max 3 items.

Don't over-complicate it. It would be fairly simple to code if left as is, as it's pretty much a vending machine that can be filled.

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