05-06-2013, 05:24 PM
Sundance Wrote:Ok I've done alot with this new pic. I've basically photoshopped it (cropped rather crudely) to look like what I've suggested and what others have suggested and tried in the Security crackdown thread.
Here's the link for the pic:
And here's the pic resized for forums if you only want a glance.
*Added floor flusher. It's the sliding door beside the harmonica. Screen might have a pop-up window to show what time the player has left, but not necessary really.
*Added Parole room with lockers.
*Added windows and IR beams to the east of the gen pop. Added triple reinforced wall for the solitary if you want to break from the inside, and swapped the computer around with the seat so people can break in from the outside. Because that computer got completely in the way.
*Changed sec entrance around a bit as suggested by Weavel to stop lame campers
*Added sec access door to gen pop as suggested by Dachshundofdoom to prevent prisoners from killing themselves at a risk.
*Changed things around with The snip. Hopefully this new hallway due to footfall, The snip will get better business, due to a small compromise for the back-room.
*Big ass empty space there, will probably need some decorating with vending machines, shrubs, etc.
What'cha think?
This is amazing. It provides a great way for breakouts to still happen, what with the windows and the weak bathroom walls, but at the same time cuts down on people who want to just mess with sec! Nothing here is "Too hard!" because what you want to get is a prisoner, not messing with sec. On the sec side, it's MUCH easier to brig and relese someone when you need to do it alone. As a g4 player, sometimes, I am the HoS with no sec. It's not easy having the AI open the brig doors for me to get out a killer when he could disarm me if I'm not fast enough. With this, you can just either pop a flashbang in for questioning them in the interrogation room or have them stand on the flusher for a quick release. no worries about them coming back to grief you with the added door for sec access. I really like it, and it brings back fond memories on mushrooms brig.