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Chemmunity: a collaborative chem project where no suggestion is too dumb

Makes you puke. A lot. Low doses, it'll make you projectile hurl super grody-like, transferring a portion of your stored reagents into anything it hits, spraybottle style. At overdoses, you eject all of the chems in your body out in a massive tidal wave of vomit, dosing everyone in the path like a disgusting smoke/foambomb, with a fairly high chance of ejecting blood and random body parts, like eyeballs, lungs, and legs. Super overdose levels would puke up your skeleton.

Fill monkeys with spiders and make them barf it on everyone.

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RE: Chemmunity: a collaborative chem project where no suggestion is too dumb - by Superlagg - 07-22-2017, 11:13 AM

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