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State Of The Goonion - Creating Fun
Technature Wrote:
zewaka Wrote:LLJK1 - Goon RP
The initial idea was that Destiny was going to be able to visit new places and move location to location. However, it's a lot of work to get code for that working. Right now, we're considering a sort of system that involves dropships or pods that would go down to the planet surface from the ship, rather than landing the whole thing. Hopefully we can make that idea come true someday.

I mean, if FTL could do it, how hard could it be it's gotta be possible for our goonions, right?

This looks like it would be pretty neato.

The issue with FTL is it being open source and us being closed source, also due to the fact that we are coded very differently from the FTL base code, which is /tg afaik, meaning it's not just as simple as drag and drop.

What could work is the following: You'd have some sort of machine (a pilot computer for example) to travel to a planet. You then could warp (ala escape shuttle dynamics) to the planet. The planet could be represented as a large turf tile which is simply just a aesthetic background object for players to observe (exactly like the sol sun). Travelling to the planet could simply pop up on the teleport computer, triangulating the co-ords would be unnecessary nerd wall.

- The dining z-level and the adventure zone z-level would be completely cleared and replaced with multiple areas. Both z-levels remain static, but actually getting to them would be randomized round as per the pilot computer. The sol areas would be gutted and sections reused in the various new areas.
- Sol items, including keys, would be placed in these areas. Key placement could be randomized too, to keep it fresh.
- Sol/nanotrasen could then be an end-goal after travelling to various planets. This I'm not really fussy about, just an observation.
- The pilot computer would preferably have forked options. Travel to planet A, or planet B? The planets would have vague descriptions as to what it is, using a quantum telescope reveals more.
- The ship z-level would RND spawn asteroid to mine per planet arrived, including other random bits. The mining magnet would therefor become irrelevent (to a mild applause)

- Many would not like the z-level to be cleared to make room for medium-small sized zones. If it's the easiest way to create 20-30 new places to explore and encourages a PvE environment then I say to hell with those people.
- The using warp drive travel escape shuttle style could run into probems in code. I don't know if moving simulated things works like the escape shuttle, would the oxygen move too? Would it be too laggy to move an entire ship at once? Would it be just easier to code it so all the space tiles become warp tiles when in transit, and all edge tiles become gib tiles? Would solve the below issue.
- Moving from one planet to another, what happens if someone is stranded on the ship z-level and then the ship jumps? Technically the ship isn't really "moving" anywhere, it's just "warping" ala escape shuttle, but unlike the escape shuttle it would come back to the same area, just with the asteroids (and planet in the background) randomized/changed respectively. A dodgy fix for this would be to port all players into the warped zone when the ships jumps, giving them a visual warning beforehand. This would mean you could be gibbed if you're not in the ship before it jumps, although this isn't really such a bad thing?
- Being stranded on the planet z-level wouldn't have the aforementioned problem. Perhaps have an option to travel backwards with some form of penalty?
- This would make great use of the mapping subforum, as new areas could be made (with secrets omitted at the behast of the mapper).
- Probably the most important critique; this would probably not solve the server pop, which is averaging at a healthy zero as of now.

Messages In This Thread
State Of The Goonion - Creating Fun - by ZeWaka - 07-01-2017, 06:36 PM
RE: State Of The Goonion - Creating Fun - by Sundance - 07-13-2017, 08:32 AM

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