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Minor mining mechanic manipulations
The mineral accumulator takes care of a lot of the mindless wandering about when collecting ores, and I'm surprised more miners don't use it. Set destination to mining, hoover up everything in almost an entire screen's radius, have it all teleported back to the mining pad next to the manufacturers without having to deal with ore satchels. You can also use it to send all the money ore to QM without fucking around with crates and cargo transporters.

The accumulator is a bit tetchy to haul through space with how often you slip, though, and its inability to move while accumulating. I would absolutely love if pods got a secondary system upgrade instead of the cargo bay or something that acted like the mineral accumulator while in use, because currently, the pod makes mining ore a breeze but collecting it a giant pain. You either mine out way more than your satchels can hold really quickly, or have to constantly unload a crate, get out, maneuver around the crate and the pod, collect as much ore as your satchels can hold, dump the satchels into the crate, load the crate back into the pod, and start mining again. Replacing all of that with a magical 'teleport all the useful ore to mining/QM' button would cut out so much bullshit busywork.

Oh, and the way that drills and plasma cutters work mean you can bore straight through a volatile tile, get no indication that it's gonna explode like you usually do, and then have the empty square detonate point blank on your pod as you continue to mine and nearly kill you instantly.

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