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Best moments ever thread 2.0
Two traitor rounds in a row. First one:
Beat up the fully armored captain to death with just my fists
Disguise as captain
Go to bridge, find a roboticist hiding
He said he alerted security
Ah hell no
Laser his ass to death, shove him in my locker
Game lags and I open the locker so some guy on EVA sees it
Asks for a bribe
Shoot at him, he alerts the crew
Nobody gives two shits
Subvert the AI, then Atom asks if it'd be alright if he could do a funny joke, we all say yes
Suddenly teleported into mailchute at info office, get sucked through and lag our asses to death in bridge
Guy dies with microbomb implant, everyone is gibbed

Second traitor round, where I was given another run as traitor:
Detective, with detective partner Izahiah Murry
I defect to the syndicate and are given one objective
Meet up with Star Hoenshell and COMMIT CRIMES
Slap around Izahiah, give him some advice like "DON'T THINK, ACT" shit like that
Go to bar and monologue, waiting for Star
Meet up with him, decided to kick the captain's ass
Go over to office, guy flashes mah buddy
Pop some caps in his ass
Murry comes over, accuses of me being a loose cannon
He shoots at Star, shoot him three times with hollowpoint
He down
Meanwhile station is being invaded by angry spesscattes
Go to bathroom with Star and spawn a shotgun and a radio jammer
Head to bridge and blow open the doors
Take out shotgun and start spraying the place
Literally one minute later
Izahiah Murry says,"I just realized something. Gannon rhymes with cannon.
Gannon Sullivan exclaims, "DAMN RIGHT!"

Decide to go out in blaze of glory at bar
Shoot up the place, kill the chef
Kill my partner as he screams with his dying breath, "LOOSE GANNON"
Kill Shameful Sam
Place gets flooded with sec and greyshirts, kill several of them, die

Pretty good round

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