05-03-2013, 02:23 PM
First idea: Make rock worms not eat gems, and then make them occasionally produce (poop out, if you will) a random gem after eating enough material.
Some potential uses: Rockworms suddenly become less of a pest and more of an ally. Leave them to clean up your exploded rocks and come back to reap the benefits, or set one up in the outpost next to the telepad and leave a teleporting ore rig set to the mining outpost on a mauxite rock. Your erebite and uquil rarity suddenly dissapears~
Rockworm the new bee of mining?
Second idea: Make unloading ore rigs more sane. Currently you have to... click and drag a crate ONTO an ore rig to unload it. What the..? I notice you can use an ore satchel on an ore rig but it always says 0 ore loaded no matter what.
Click dragging or at least clicking ore satchels on rigs would be nice for pre-teleport use.
Usage: Ore rigs pre-teleport see more use because you don't have to lug a crate around anymore *AND* their unloading fits more in line with *EVERYTHING ELSE* so more people figure out *HOW* to do it.
Third idea: Restrict what factors can spawn on an asteroid tile. For instance, ever mined a gem scan and then had it go "Imagoonna BLOW UP" on you cause it was hiding a volitile tile, or ever had a gem spawn *inside* of an abandoned crate because it was on an anomalous tile?
Usage: Being able to tell exactly what's on a tile at a glance rather than being surprised, as the purpose of the ore scanner is.
Fourth idea: Three changes to the industrial pod/putt putt mechanics.
1. Optical meson scanners.
Usage: Self explanitory. You can crowbar out the conclave scanner and make an optical meson upgrade, stuff it in and suddenly you can see ore without having to pop out. Downside: can't scan!
2. Drill-as-you-go.
Usage: If you have a drill installed on a pod or putput, moving *into* an object causes you to use your drill on it, instead of having to frantically click the primary systems command. Improves your mining experience all around.
3. Drill-Vac
Usage: As a potential tie in to above, if you have an empty crate in your ship, ability for the drill to deposit material mined (including rock) *into* the empty crate. If theres multiple you can just have the server pick one and stick with it. Maybe the last one loaded? Whatever.
If this is too powerful to start wtih, maybe make it a secondary system upgrade instead? Use a bit of bohrum and clarentine or whatever.
I'd at least like to see you be able to click drag ore into the cargohold of ships while in space. If you can already, maybe I'm doing it wrong and its not very intuitive?
Some potential uses: Rockworms suddenly become less of a pest and more of an ally. Leave them to clean up your exploded rocks and come back to reap the benefits, or set one up in the outpost next to the telepad and leave a teleporting ore rig set to the mining outpost on a mauxite rock. Your erebite and uquil rarity suddenly dissapears~
Rockworm the new bee of mining?
Second idea: Make unloading ore rigs more sane. Currently you have to... click and drag a crate ONTO an ore rig to unload it. What the..? I notice you can use an ore satchel on an ore rig but it always says 0 ore loaded no matter what.
Click dragging or at least clicking ore satchels on rigs would be nice for pre-teleport use.
Usage: Ore rigs pre-teleport see more use because you don't have to lug a crate around anymore *AND* their unloading fits more in line with *EVERYTHING ELSE* so more people figure out *HOW* to do it.
Third idea: Restrict what factors can spawn on an asteroid tile. For instance, ever mined a gem scan and then had it go "Imagoonna BLOW UP" on you cause it was hiding a volitile tile, or ever had a gem spawn *inside* of an abandoned crate because it was on an anomalous tile?
Usage: Being able to tell exactly what's on a tile at a glance rather than being surprised, as the purpose of the ore scanner is.
Fourth idea: Three changes to the industrial pod/putt putt mechanics.
1. Optical meson scanners.
Usage: Self explanitory. You can crowbar out the conclave scanner and make an optical meson upgrade, stuff it in and suddenly you can see ore without having to pop out. Downside: can't scan!
2. Drill-as-you-go.
Usage: If you have a drill installed on a pod or putput, moving *into* an object causes you to use your drill on it, instead of having to frantically click the primary systems command. Improves your mining experience all around.
3. Drill-Vac
Usage: As a potential tie in to above, if you have an empty crate in your ship, ability for the drill to deposit material mined (including rock) *into* the empty crate. If theres multiple you can just have the server pick one and stick with it. Maybe the last one loaded? Whatever.
If this is too powerful to start wtih, maybe make it a secondary system upgrade instead? Use a bit of bohrum and clarentine or whatever.
I'd at least like to see you be able to click drag ore into the cargohold of ships while in space. If you can already, maybe I'm doing it wrong and its not very intuitive?