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Chemmunity: a collaborative chem project where no suggestion is too dumb
Name: Agent Orange Cheese
Description: A bright orange dusty substance (like that gross powdered cheese they put on stuff). On conception is was the only instance of the Space FDA stepping in to prevent Discount Dan from using it, due to how dangerous it is.
Effect: When applied to something, covers it in a cheesy powder. Anything that is covered with Agent Orange Cheese is completely edible, similar to deepfrying. Larger items require more bites and clicking with an open hand on something too big to carry will chew on it. Chew down walls, use it as an emergency ration. Obviously there would need to be a blacklist of thingsĀ that can't be covered, and water should wash it off.

Supplemental image:
[Image: bfb151b5656f9f83.jpg]

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RE: Chemmunity: a collaborative chem project where no suggestion is too dumb - by Arborinus - 06-22-2017, 05:49 PM

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