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[Feature] Actual Uniform Manufacturer
As a note regarding map patches for a few things (e.g. moving a few bits around): the map files are not in a great format for making incremental changes, so the coders would do them manually (easy in this case).

I'd recommend adding labcoats to the regular manufacturer, as enough jobs use them to the point of them being ubiquitous, and who doesn't like pretending to be a doctor as a clown?

Adding some variants as hidden items (i.e. available if the manufacturer was hacked, I forget the flag but it's something like "secret") might be a cool idea. I'm not familiar with the April Fools Day' thing but assume they're just a bunch of wacky uniforms? If so, I see no harm in tacking them on to the hidden list as well.

EDIT: Maybe add the clown suit to the hidden items as well? Not sure if that could have any negative consequences...

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RE: [Feature] Actual Uniform Manufacturer - by Mordent - 06-22-2017, 08:48 AM

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