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Will the solarium GOOD ending ever be cleared?
The following is directly from the sol IRC after a round of admin sol shenanigans.

<DunorbChops> some sol stuff happened last round
<DunorbChops> maybe
<DunorbChops> admin spawned a portal in solarium
<DunorbChops> it led to an series of rooms connected by portals
<DunorbChops> one room contained a spire that disappeared after we ran out of time
<DunorbChops> later a portal appeared where the spire was
<DunorbChops> that portal led to an area that was just white and grey, the floors had the number 59 and the walls had the number 22
<DunorbChops> after the round WrongEnd spawned in as Cosmoman Dan and said, "I am a big man in town. Seek that what isn't. SEEK LA LUNA
<DunorbChops> Cirr said, "Wendigo dislikes smoke," "Bring him the polaroid"
<ZeWaka> BIG TEX
<ZeWaka> HOWDY
<DunorbChops> hi zewaka
<WrongEnd> There's a snake in your boot zewaka
<ZeWaka> oh yes
<ZeWaka> shake it out like a polaroid picture
<DunorbChops> man, you admins are a confusing bunch
<DunorbChops> oh, also cirr said he might have been just messing around with the codebase
<DunorbChops> so whatever i guess
<ZeWaka> oh don't kick the server
<ZeWaka> it'll expode
<DunorbChops> Alright, i wont

Not sure how helpful this will be, but I hope this makes more sense to someone more experienced. Until then I will probably just shoot the wendigo king with the riot launcher and throw those spooky pictures around icemoon at him.

Also, unrelated, I'm new here. Hi

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