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Syndicate Drone: A Pacifist Antagonist.
(06-14-2017, 11:41 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote: Sounds good but maybe not as a ghost drone stealthy thing? I'd say an easily hidden but obvious to spot thing would work well. sounds like a predator with my logic but eh.

Late joining only would also work

edit: what if its just a small chance for regular drones to spawn as these? maybe not, cause either people would spam drone or normal drone players would be upset if they just wanted to build stuff

One of my ideas that didn't make the final cut was having them be a bee-sized, syndicate colored, light borg.

Another idea I remembered now was that they would be good Destiny antagonists. Their lack of general destructive or lethal abilities stops them from going on rampages, while the RP rules mean that:
  1. People won't be able to interrogate them on sight when they see a drone one minute into the round
  2. People will actually have a reason to go after them when they learn what is going on (Protecting Nanontransen secrets!)

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RE: Syndicate Drone: A Pacifist Antagonist. - by Lady Birb - 06-14-2017, 11:43 PM

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