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decentralize the brig and instead have minibrigs all over the station
while i know this idea is too far reaching i would find something like this more appealing if i were to play as a sec officer as it would counteract a major issue presented when trying to escort your prisoner back to the brig:

people attacking/mugging/attempting to free the person you've arrested and just giving you a hard time on the way back to the brig

what i suggest is having little minibrigs such as the one on cog1 that can be found near mining. these minibrigs (located ideally in each major dept, engineering, medbay, research, civilian) would also function as a mini forced labor station for the prisoner. 

for example if you brig a malcontent near engineering you could place him upon a segway that upon movement would generate power for the engine/ptl. attempting to dismount the segway would stun the prisoner and alert a sec officer to their location. 

for research they could be made to assemble guardbuddies, and for medbay they'd be forced to assemble first aid kids. the civilian one would be forced to eat the chef's bad cooking  made to operate the kitchen themselves or in service of the chef 

as a result of this the brig itself could be made into a stockade operated by the hos 

i wrote this when i was high and so i hope i think its as good of an idea later when im not high

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decentralize the brig and instead have minibrigs all over the station - by babayetu83 - 06-14-2017, 04:27 AM

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