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VR + its Z-space: Why does it honestly still exist?
I assume no one wants to mess with it because:

  1. No current need for the space
  2. No need to undo the work if the space isn't needed
  3. VR is low on the priority list of things that need to be worked on
I completely agree that the kart track is way too big in comparison to it's usage, though.

Another problem with VR to consider; Like old mining, it'sĀ one of those things that takes you away from the action going on the station, both as a participant and as an observer. Think about how when people fight in the ring, and the crowds that can draw.

If VR could be retooled into something that is easier to jump into and out of while still being engaged with the rest of the station, you might see it used more often.

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RE: VR + its Z-space: Why does it honestly still exist? - by Frank_Stein - 06-07-2017, 11:39 AM

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