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remove/tone down the obnoxious green overlay on mesons
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(05-26-2017, 09:05 AM)Nnystyxx Wrote: please do reduce it, it actively hurts to use them and that should be a UI nono

I agree, first thing I do when I spawn as C.E. is toss those damn goggles out an airlock, they're obnoxious, to the point of being UNUSABLE in my eyes. my mouth is opening oh no

Nerfs shouldn't make people totally hate and ignore an item all together, IMO. wordjo

For that matter, who decided that making spectro goggles reduce lighting was a good idea? The only time that is a good idea is when it's sunglasses, you can tint the room rainbow for all I care, but your realism is tearing this family apart. frown my mouth is opening oh no

(Especially when, in my view, the lighting system recieved a nerf already, to the point of making pda flashlights borderline useless, high powered modules are a must for me now.) wordjo

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RE: remove/tone down the obnoxious green overlay on mesons - by BeardedElectron - 06-04-2017, 02:14 PM

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