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Detective Tools
We don't have the three hour long rounds of RP servers, requiring the detective to do forensic examinations would be completely ineffective.

The detective should be able to quickly follow a trail. And cause traitors to try and clean up their messes after they have murdered someone.

Fights should leave on the fighters blood traces of the attacker and the defender, maybe leave the same traces in pools of blood around the area of the attack; finding an unwiped cadaver should give a clue about who hurt them.

The corpses, weapons and yourself could be cleaned with space cleaner, acid or water. Some could be less effective and leave partial traces, or have a chace to fail cleaning.

Having blood on your hands (your own or your victim's) should leave small prints on doors, switches, closets, chutes -maybe other items- you touch, so that a detective with a general idea of where you went can trace your steps and track you down.

Some obvious traitor weapons could leave marks on the clothes/body, which the detective could see, much like a barman tastes, eswords, revolvers (gunpowred residue, singed clothing).
Other covert weapons would not leave traces, and require deduction from the readout of a health analyzer or some guesswork.

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