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It's That Time Again: The Wizard Complaint Thread
My number one issue with wizards are their escape spells. It makes fighting them a absolute chore. Wizard comes into a room attacks, you go to attack back and it either teleports away or phase shifts away. Rinse and repeat. That goes on for the whole round. It's not fun and it's not really balanced for the players trying to defend themselves or fight the wizard.

I want Phase shift to either have a longer cooldown or to randomly teleport them to places.

I think the teleport spells should be nerfed so wizards have to commit to the situations they get themselves into without a easy out. It's nigh impossible to punish them when they can just vanish after they fireball a room. This would put a end to hit and run wizards and force them to think about where they are about to attack before coming in and spamming all their spells and then just teleporting away instantly. Currently they don't have to worry about any sort of punishment cause they can just escape at any given time with a short cooldown and a infinite amount of uses. It's overpowered as hell and not in the fun way and not fun for anyone trying to actually fight the wizard.

Messages In This Thread
RE: It's That Time Again: The Wizard Complaint Thread - by Ed Venture - 05-25-2017, 01:17 PM

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