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Post your thoughts on how guns currently work here.
Tasers: Kinda think they shouldn't have any stun, stamina loss or otherwise. I think if they just made you drop items on hit, and continued to progressively slow you so that Sec had to get in close with a baton, that could work
Eguns: Get rid of em all together. Having a 200 power taser or laser is pretty powerful. Replace them with either beefier tasers or just plain waveguns
Revolvers, shotguns, rocketlaunchers, flareguns, rifles and syringe guns: Perfect as is. If anything, some more ammo types for shotguns that have pellet spread
Grenade launcher: Needs more ammo types, maybe a high capacity
phaser/lasers: Don't see why we need two different types of lethal damage guns. Roll them into one.
Zipguns: I feel like the low magazine size balances it enough without the misfiring and explosions. Feel like we should have more improvised guns for different ammo types. Matching the correct ammo to the gun makes it safe, but you should still be able to cram the wrong ammo in and fire it for the risk of the malfuctions
Duel Wielding: Make a toggle to turn it on and off. Sometimes you don't want to fire both guns
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Spackers shouldn't stun. Tasers are just fine. Everything else i agree with, replace egun with some kind of super hoity toity old style kinetic pistol thats gilded to the captains liking
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BYOND Username: Ed Venture
05-08-2017, 01:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2017, 01:44 PM by Ed Venture. Edited 4 times in total.)
(05-08-2017, 12:46 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Tasers: Kinda think they shouldn't have any stun, stamina loss or otherwise. I think if they just made you drop items on hit, and continued to progressively slow you so that Sec had to get in close with a baton, that could work
You know Tasers stun people right? Also that's an awful idea tasers are already a close to mid range weapon and they are not that useful as they are right now. You get some distance between you and a officer and the tasers shots will just miss them/you. The thing is inaccurate as hell right now. If the taser got nerfed then I will drop the Security role forever and never play the job again. I think Tasers are perfect where they are even if I don't like certain things about them. Two years ago they were really OP and made the job of Security too easy. I made countless threads trying to get them changed to how they are now and would not want to see them buffed or nerfed any further.
EDIT: If anything Security needs buffs and more options. Not Nerfs and less options.
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BYOND Username: NateTheSquid
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phasers are shitty and easy to come by, and don't go through windows. lasers go through windows, do more damage, but are harder to find. leave as is
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I think tasers are fine as they are, security needs all the help they can get anyway.
Eguns are a little powerful but it's generally balanced out by them being fairly rare, and anything that makes the cap a bigger target is fine by me. The two roles that get them natively (cap and HOS) have no shortage of more powerful alternatives anyway.
I think most of the traitor guns are good,maybe the silenced .22 could use some work. It's not actually that good a stealth weapon, though it is balanced out by being fairly cheap and easy to acquire functionally infinite ammo for.
Phasers are decent anti-mob weapons, but I find them nearly useless as anti-personnel weapons - anyone being shot at with a phaser just buggers off to heal, and anyone too weakened to avoid being phasered to death could have been finished off in multiple other ways. I'm not sure if replacing them with lasers is the best idea, give how easily accessible they are. Maybe as a compromise the ones in the armory/orderable from QM could be full-fledged lasers, since those are in-theory sec only. Ideally I'd like to see a return of the phaser mods to distinguish the two.
I personally don't think zipguns explode enough, though that may be tempered by the fact that I most commonly see them in the hands of twitchy fingered vigilantes looking for an excuse to use them, often running around in an Indy suit to shrug off any explosions even if they occur. They certainly never seem to explode if you just use stun rounds from a manufacturer, which is really the only thing you need since everyone knows stuns are king.
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its nearly impossible to hit a moving target unless theyre in a tight corridor or small room and every sensible person exploits this by snorting cocaine and spazzing on the movement buttons but thats nothing new
bring back phaser mods. laserguns can just be phaser with the "actually good at being a gun" mod installed
implement the air pressure gun and pipegun i sprited
(slamfire pipe guns are remarkably sturdy as homemade guns go, as long as you remember to weld/bolt the rear properly so it doesnt pop out when fired. think about it, the shotgun shell is inside the barrel pipe which is then slid inside pipe containing the firing pin, so that's 2 layers of pipe in play)
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BYOND Username: ferriswheel1
05-08-2017, 02:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2017, 02:36 PM by ferriswheel1. Edited 4 times in total.
Edit Reason: WAVE GUNZ
As I've said before, I feel like tasers could use a small buff to their range and projectile speed. It's almost impossible to catch someone in a chase using a taser, as Ed said, if the target has some distance they become very difficult to hit with. Asking officers to close in with a baton is ridiculous and makes arresting more hazardous, if someone catches you with a stun or slip both your primary weapons are on the floor for your opponent to grab.
Phasers are really butt, and I understand they were made so that QM couldn't order up a crate of lasery death every round. However, I feel that they're almost too bad. They're unable to do much more than give someone a mild case of sunburn. You need to carry around an entire backpack of the things to do any real damage. They reduce the value of cargo as a department, and are possibly the most useless item in the armory after those darn NO2 tanks. Replace the phasers in the armory with lasers, and give QM the ability to order laser guns as an expensive alternative to phasers.
The grenade launcher needs more options, as well as be less hilariously lethal. I once accidentally killed a clown with a smoke grenade.
Another note is wave guns, the underused other gun that QM can order. Currently, only the single-shot wave is actually worth using. Burst wave is somewhat overkill, given that the wave gun's a single-shot instant stun, and paralysis doesn't seem to work at all. Changing burst wave to work as a spreadfire option might help, as well as fixing paralysis so it actually does something.
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dam youre right, i forgot about wave guns. if theres anything that deserves a spreadfire shot, its something named wave gun
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BYOND Username: Powmonkey
I like the ideas suggested by ferriswheel1 with one caveat.
I'd really like it if tasers only stunned people rather than knocking them unconscious.
I can't obstinately protest my arrest if I'm unconscious. More importantly, I can't report that I'm currently being murdered if I'm unconscious.
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Yeah a taser stun should be more like a stun baton stun where you can still scream over the radio instead of it just knocking you out.
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I don't like tasers. I'm tired of seeing min-max setups with a backpack full of tasers. A large part of why I'm not playing right now is the sheer amount of winners on the station, but I digress. The main beef I have with em' is that anybody can use em', and boy do they.
Only 3 eguns out there, I think. Make it so that they can't be scanned by normal scanners (or at all) and I'd be fine with that. That being said, I'd rather them be replaced with those modded phasers. That would be really sweet.
If possible, I'd like flares to get really good penetration on blobs. Like, hot knife through butter penetration. I'd like them to be a really good anti-blob/anti-ling gun, with the main function being sniping blob nuclei.
One thing I've always wanted was a net cannon. Not because I thought it'd add to the game or anything; I just think they're neat.
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BYOND Username: Ed Venture
05-08-2017, 03:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2017, 03:14 PM by Ed Venture. Edited 3 times in total.)
(05-08-2017, 03:05 PM)Vitatroll Wrote: I don't like tasers. I'm tired of seeing min-max setups with a backpack full of tasers. A large part of why I'm not playing right now is the sheer amount of winners on the station, but I digress. The main beef I have with em' is that anybody can use em', and boy do they.
This begs the question of, how are people getting so many tasers and why? Is it the Captain and HoP players that do this or are either of them constantly giving out all access for anyone and everyone to raid security. Is that still an ongoing issue?
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05-08-2017, 03:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2017, 03:43 PM by Vitatroll. Edited 1 time in total.)
Hmh. I usually get my AAIDs through the efforts of traitors, oddly enough. Whether by taking their (or their accomplices') ID, or using the killed Captain/HoP's ID that they (the traitors) never seem to remove from the ID computer.
Considering a traitors first kill is usually the Captain, the HoP, or a Secoff - well, it's not terribly hard to kill someone when you have the element of surprise and are armed to the teeth.
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I don't really know enough about guns and am too terrible at using them to offer any advice, but the reason that so many allaccess IDs exist is because at least half of captains by my reckoning just leave the spare ID in their quarters. Either that, or the HoP decides to hand one or two out for literally no reason.
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BYOND Username: Crazyabe111
05-08-2017, 04:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2017, 04:33 PM by Crazyabe. Edited 1 time in total.)
Wave gun: LITERALLY useless, Doesn't even do a good job of slowing someone.
Taser: Needs less KO, one shot Knock down I'd be fine with
Phazer: Too common, Too slow, Not enough shots.
Energy gun: See Taser for the stun setting, the Actually kill stuff Setting is fine however.
Riot shotgun: Works a Bit too well At Stunning.
Revolver: Decent Gun.
Zipgun: Can be crap or good depending on the ammo and the user.
Flamethrower: It works, Needs a Spray(AOE) Setting
Traitor Shotgun: Kills in 2 shots, instant stuns, May need some work.
vuvuzela gun: Suggestion: give Sec THESE rather then Tazers.
RPG: Good for its Purpose, That being Killing everything in one Direction.
tranquilizer rifle: Good... Needs a Source of New ammo though.