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Dumb antagonist idea: sewer gators
They bite people and can crawl through disposal pipes in a manner similar to how the voltron lets you travel through wires.

It probably wouldn't be too hard to implement since you should be able to make it just by retooling pre-existing voltron code and player controllable critter code.

To sell you on this idea, picture this in your head:

An alligator suddenly bursts forth from the floor, snapping off the clown's arm before crashing back through a floor and swimming away. The clown, good humored as always, honks out "See you later alligator!" and then promptly collapses from blood loss.
how can they compete against the floorcluwne for apex predator status
(04-29-2017, 07:27 AM)misto Wrote: how can they compete against the floorcluwne for apex predator status

they don't, the gators are surfacing because they're trying to ESCAPE the floor cluwnes
For more variety, you could add variant sewer creatures with distinct strengths and weaknesses.

Some examples include, but are most certainly not limited to, the following.

Giant space sewer rats are faster on land and carry a chance to transmit diseases but are physically weaker overall. As such, they can't break through reinforced floors and take more damage whilst dealing less.

Sewer sharks are faster in pipes, deal more damage, and have a somewhat higher capability to regenerate. However, they can't stay out of the pipes for very long without starting to air drown, and they move very clumsily on land when not leaping in and out of pipes.

Space snapping turtles are nearly indestructible but move at a literal snail's pace on land and are still rather slow inside of pipes.

The possibilities don't have to stop there. The sewer creature possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
scooting around under floor tiles and thru pipes and hiding in sinks and toilets should be powers for perhaps a changeling alternate form or some swarm alien parasite antags that have been proposed, but testing out the functions with more mundane critters sounds ok
Personally, I don't feel that the sewer aesthetic fits SS13 in any capacity. We could keep something that utilizes the same gameplay concepts (scooting around vents, ect.), but just has a more space-like appearance to it.
I could imagine appeal in a role that blurs the line between critter and antagonist-- the 'monstrosity' gametype, with varying monsters with some common and some unique traits that the crew must respond to that wouldn't qualify for their own whole gamemodes.

Several antagonists at once of this type would be formally classified as a 'monster mash'.
somebody in the spriting zone made a sprite of a purple tentacle tearing up thru floortiles and i thought it was kinda neato and slightly relevant to what is being discussed here


maybe in like, disaster mode, you know? like after guys do solarium thing. the critter bombing portals could be lightened up on, but in exchange some of the critters could be people controlled. a mode idea for you to experiment with. and some of them could scoot under floot.
(04-29-2017, 11:55 AM)Mageziya Wrote: Personally, I don't feel that the sewer aesthetic fits SS13 in any capacity. We could keep something that utilizes the same gameplay concepts (scooting around vents, ect.), but just has a more space-like appearance to it.

You could just have them be highly mutated abominations warped into their current forms as part of a syndicate bioweapons research project.

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