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where do you draw the line?
the line being the line of where you'd rather just torture and taunt someone instead of outright killing them

now for example, picture this. me, discount dan, has been chasing you down for a while now punching you for seemingly no good reason in an attempt to mug you for your valuables. you manage to outpace me, and this happens another one or two times before you're finally sick of it and just want to either kill me or make life on the station unpleasant for me

this isn't just me here, this is supposed to be a general random spaceman doing this to you

now what i like to do is just take the painful route. i beat people who have made attempts on my life and make them into cyborgs. i make the cyborg with no arms, legs, or powercell and just let it sit in a corner. this seems more fun to me than just justifiably killing him.
I just kill them if I'm justified. Some people just suicide when they get outplayed anyways. The best torture is making it so they have to wait another hour to play. I don't care if that sounds shitty to some of you but some people deserve it.
I don't like to kill people unless im a traitor

Instead I might try to stun them and run to the nearest guardbuddy for protection

Some people get really upset with being repeatadly harrassed, but Id rather have fun with it.
Me? torturing people nah. not a person who does that id rather throw someone down disposals until he goes past the line and i throw him out of the airlock or give him a good ol injection of what ever i had on hand at that point.
Ah, hmm. In my normal state, I'm never ruffled. I have a weird emotional disorder that I have to moderate, but even at my most unstable I'm generally never ruffled. Hell, I basically play this game to get killed - that's my biggest fun. That's why you see me chasing syndicates with my fists.

That being said, I have inflicted punishment beyond death upon a few. All of em' broke one or both of rules: a) Don't be a bigot, or b) Don't be creepy. All of em' pretty much low-pop shitlords.
The worst I have done was resetting the AI laws because it was bothering me. And when I am outplayed, I just shrug it off. Some people are smarter than me *shrugs*, what can I do?
Really depends on the style of torture. If you're just being a jerk and bullying someone you overpowered, yeah that's no good. If you're being a jerk and bullying someone you overpowered in an interesting or engaging way, that's *so* good!

The defining feature of this engageristing sadism is that you're doing all this to the character and not the player. Rezzing someone into a limbless monkey with a vape-o-matic set to inject them with SR and omnizine any time they kill themselves, while hilarious and inspired, is just using game mechanics to throw the player into a shitty situation, fun for you but probably not for them. Now, mindslaving someone, asking them (or the crew) dumb trivia questions, and telling them to drink a glass of Discount Dan's every time they're wrong, that's a bit more engageristing because, while you are technically torturing them, you're including them in the process and making it engaging and interesting.

There's nothing wrong with gloating about outplaying someone, so long as it isn't just deriding them for being a n00b. Theatrics is almost a vital part to being a good villain, cus otherwise you're just casting Empowered Use Game Mechanics on a hapless goblin whelp.

So I say that it's okay to be a sadistic bastard as long as you aren't an ass about it.
(04-12-2017, 03:21 AM)babayetu83 Wrote:  ... i make the cyborg with no arms, legs, or powercell and just let it sit in a corner. this seems more fun to me than just justifiably killing him.

While I find this an extremely cathartic idea and would love to practice it myself, I was in a similar situation and found myself stabbing a man to death with a fork. While I did clone him, I received a PM from an admin about it, very justifiably so in my opinion.

Is this line more flexible than I thought when one is not an antagonist? I feel like what you described is over the line, though still awesome.
I mean I would be careful. Make sure you have a justifiable reason to do what you do, and that you don't make a habit of it.

There was a guy who loved to do these sorta things, and did em' at every chance he could get; his name was vampirate.
if it's you, discount dan, I leave you be for about 10 minutes and you kill yourself. it kind of pisses me off, but anyway.

if someone really annoys me, tries to harm me, or makes me angry (which happens in video games a decent amount but never in real life???) then I will tear them to shreds. otherwise I ignore them, cuff them and leave them somewhere they can get out easy, nothing harmful, just annoying in return
If someone is annoying me, I tell them to fuck off. They refuse, I stun them and chuck them out of whatever room I am in. If they really push me over the line, I steal a pair of handcuffs, stun and cuff them, take their headset and ID, buckle them to a chair, and beat them to death with a spoon.
I start by telling them to stop. If they dont, I directly arrest them, handcuff them and throw them in a room after removing all their stuff.
This is how I dealt with a HoP that was making himself Head of Shitcurity. He also ragequitted afterward.
The worst thing I recently did to a man trying (and failing) to kill me with a green chainsaw was flash him, saw him in the head a few times and throw his dumb ass down a morgue chute.

Usually I just throw people in the trash if they're constantly giving me shit.
Bad secret: one time I hated a guy so much from dealing with him harassing me as a borg all one round, I started the next round by throwing a metal foam grenade into his chosen department (artlab).
IF someone is bothering me as clown, and IF I can get access to a Tazer or some other stun weapon, I'll stun 'em and (since I'll probably have cuffs too...) Hand cuff them before dragging them around, if they attack me and arn't sec I'll Search 'em over and take anything of interest, if they are HOS and there are other secs I'll lock 'em in the brig with their ID in their backpack outside of it on a table, (Yes, I did this to a Rather bad shot of a HOS last night after assday ended, around 2AM where I am...) Secs I'll Disarm, My punishments always depend on what they are and where I am.

As if I don't fill those requirements I'll normally lazily wander away, possibly out an airlock (since ya have about 6 secs of safety while running through space before you seriusly start dieing) and look for something else to be doing, or a quick form of revenge.

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