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(03-22-2017, 10:47 AM)Vitatroll Wrote: Huh. I think that answers my second point.

Who knows. Maybe giving it a book sprite will make it super popular or something. shrug

Even with books being ephemeral (in that they'll be gone when the round is over) at the moment, people still make them on #1. The chaplain's propaganda, bar menus, bureaucratic forms, labels for crates of stuff... heck, I made a flip-book on there with ASCII-art at one point. The rounds are shorter now that antags are back, which dampens this a lot (if it takes me 5 minutes to enter my form into a computer so that I can print it in monospace font, I'm not going to do it every round).

Whether they're actual multi-page books or more just single page run-on things (e.g. the chef's cookbook), people do still make them.

Do I think this is the most important feature? No. Do I think it'd be a cool feature to have that would be a QoL improvement for surprisingly many rounds on #1? Yes. Do I think it has a place on #2? As it would give you more for the time you put in, yes.
I promise that if this library thing is implemented, I will write a novel consisting solely of the word fart written out a million times.
(03-22-2017, 11:03 AM)Noah Buttes Wrote: I promise that if this library thing is implemented, I will write a novel consisting solely of the word fart written out a million times.

Why isn't the library in yet? Use the empty, space spots next to the glass bridges. How do I read this book?
Oh I don't disagree that it's neat. I'd love to have a manifesto tied to my account:character that I could spawn and/or make copies of. It's been a while since I messed with formatting and stuff like that. I'll try writing a few books myself and seeing how it goes.

Yes goddammit I'm that bored. Somebody help.
(03-22-2017, 11:03 AM)Noah Buttes Wrote: I promise that if this library thing is implemented, I will write a novel consisting solely of the word fart written out a million times.
I hope it comes with paragraph structure, proper punctuation, and stylistuc use of the many participles of fart.

Im talking the War and Peace of farts here.
why make a newspaper

when you could make an e-zine - and thus create a use for the personal computers scattered around. do we have a bbs?
I will probably try to make a terrible choose-your-own staff assistant book if this gets implemented.

To fart on the clown, go to page 13
To play russian roulette in the bar, go to page 5
I would make a cookbook that specializes in cooking the crew!
I don't know - MORE BOOKS! 

I started spriting recently... I use bindery equipment and printing presses on a daily basis... I love to read... I love to write... I volunteer to be the designated Librarian.
Also, a personal library. Basically, you have a maximum of 10 files/books/papers tied to your BYOND ID, and the ID you start with will be able to access it, no matter what rank it's changed to. Just go up to the console, swipe your ID, and print out whatever you need/download whatever you need.
This idea needs like, a tabulated list or flowchart for it or something. I like a lot of these ideas, they're just a little hard to keep straight.
There should be some preset library books, perhaps an example on how to write a novel.

A novel writing guide.
I think those exist in the real world.
I can't wait to write a whole bunch of obtuse and largely useless "Beginner's Guide to X" department handbooks full of misinformation and poorly written jokes.
i like the idea of a library, it'd add something fun to do that isnt murdering/plotting to murder people
Relevant to future writers. Don't forget to write fartbooks with style.

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