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LLJK1 is still kinda poo
LLJK1 is definitely better than before when there was no one on. However, lately antags have been getting more extreme, rounds shorter, and still no Security force. Had this discussion just now in OOC on LLJK1. This is leading to unfun rounds where you can't do anything too complex and interesting, because by then everyone is dead from a raging antag.

Possible solutions:

1. Remove the deadlier and more boring and more devastating Syndicate items. I.E C-Saber, any bombs, *possibly* the powersink, the EMag (or just make it super expensive/job-unique/surplus crate/craftable(?)) *possibly* the trash compactor, etc. Keep the interesting yet hard-to-use yet still super deadly stuff, like the Port-A-Puke, EMP grenades, Conversion chamber (Who doesn't like AI uprisings?), Trick revolver, and the spy sticker kit. 

2. Add more interesting, entertaining, complex, and/or otherwise hard-to-use traitor items. For example, maybe there could be a clown traitor item that is a syringe filled with Cluwning Around for 6 TC. While it basically kills, it does it hilariously and allows for the crew to brutally beat a Cluwne or two!

3. Make Sec more interesting/rewarding. At the moment, Sec is the "adult" position of LLJK1 (and Goonstation as a whole) that's significantly less fun, more frustrating, and more disrespected than most other jobs. Mordent suggested that playing Sec for 5 turns within, say, 15-ish rounds (not necessarily consecutive. I.E, playing 1 round of sec at Round X, then playing it 4 more times on Round X+3, X4, X+11, and X+14) and not idling/dying early on/changing job so that you don't cheat your way, will earn you a free antag token (tweaked the idea from Mordent)! Or, instead of the idle/not dying stuff, people can say how well you did, or the game can somehow recognize this? I dunno. This would make Security a lot more enticing. And, to make sure people don't dislike the role...

4. Punish non-antag Sec-Robusters harsher. As in, those who fuck with Security and screw them over, break into Security, and deliberately interfere with Security. A yelling from an admin or even a short ban for repeated offenses could work.

5. Establish optional Antagonist ratings! Basically, at the end of the round people rate an antagonist's actions, based on several critera: Creativity, Robustness, Entertainment, and Suspicion. Higher creativity = Higher rating; Higher robustness = higher rating; Higher Entertainment = Higher rating; and higher Suspicion = Lower rating. The better your rating, the more reward you get. This could be anything from a special clothing item/skin to an antag token to whatever. A good, creative, and funny antag makes the difference between a boring murderbone round and a fun, memorable paranoia-filled/funny round.

This is moreso a suggestion but I wanna know what the community thinks and have a good conversation on this topic.
why cant #4 be resolved ic
I dunno. Just tired and mentally blah right now.
Wanna hear some of my thoughts?
3 - I dunno, this seems a bit dubious to me. While on one hand, this may be an incentive for more people to play sec, I'm not really a fan of antag tokens being used in such a manner. I don't really think this would change people's opinions about sec, but rather just make it a way to get tokens (for a few, perhaps). Also, I'm just really not sure on how people would be able to assess each security member's performance to see if they did well and weren't incompetent or apathetic.

5 - Again, yes, this would give people a incentive to not straight-out murder everyone, and at least put in some effort for RP and creativity. Getting other people's approval (or disapproval) and being told how well (or not so well) you did is definitely great and productive and all that. But when you bring rewards other than validation to the table, it just seems kinda... Off? I'm really not sure how to describe it, but it just doesn't sit very well with me.

I don't really have any thoughts on your other points. One thing, though, that I think could resolve (or at least alleviate) some of these - don't have antags all the time! It gets boring and tedious, and some roles (eg. changelings) really don't do well during certain times when there are maybe just a couple people on (since gimmicks are harder to come up with when there are fewer people). A mix of extended, intrigue, and hardmode (and miscreants?) would be nice, I think. There'd be enough variety to be exciting, but also some (relative) calmness in between murders and uprisings and whatnot. And it'd also be nice if there was a way to disable antags (basically force extended) when the population is too low.

(03-17-2017, 10:30 PM)Bob Wrote: Wanna hear some of my thoughts?

Yes please!
I don't know. A lot of the times people don't play sec, or pop numbers are rather low.
(03-17-2017, 07:05 PM)babayetu83 Wrote: why cant #4 be resolved ic

this has never worked at any point over several iterations of security & crew interaction culture, requiring two or three crackdowns that i can remember to force interactions back to a nice baseline

it's an issue that has historically needed some arbitration, is what i'm saying.
The goal to make things less shit is to make Antagging just a little less... Murderboney, and make Security more fun/enjoyable/tolerable to the point where people will play it. Oh and, make people respect Sec more.
I'm not sure what the question is.
Wisdom from the great Wisdomatrix!

Roleplay is only fun if you make it fun. Whether this means setting a higher standard of antagonist roleplay, removing the temptation to murderbone or purely removing antagonists altogether, it needs to be fun. I hear that the current gamemode has been set to intrigue. In the great wisdom of the Wisdomatrix, I propose that we use code magic to disable ling on destiny until the population is about 15ish, and add extended into that intriguing gamemode. In my mind, this balances out the intrigue. Ling's not giving you the chance to truly delve into a chaotic frenzy? Wait till more people are on to frenzy! Wishing you just got a chance to max and relax? Good news, the dice were rolled and the round is extended, you think. Wait, did that chef have a corpse? Even though that's a silly example, I love the idea of not quite knowing whether or not you're safe, and I feel that with some TLC, LLJK1 could truly harbor RP.
Okay, so, I just played a few rounds on LLJK1, and I have a few suggestions.
Suggestion 1: Code a custom gamemode that...
1: Disables Changeling until the population is greater than seven.
2: Add extended into the mix.
3: Re-balance the weights of the gamemodes so that Extended is about a 30% chance, Hard Mode Traitor is a 20% chance, Traitor is a 20% chance,
Vampire is a 15% chance, Changeling is a 10% chance, and Wizard is a 5%.

Suggestion 2: Code special objectives for Intrigue that are more RP-centric, rather than "Assasinate X" or "Steal X captain's item."

That's about it, this is what I think could potentially improve LLJK1, making it less "Kinda poo."
I have a few thoughts about this. It seems it's hard for people to work together for some reason.
(06-02-2017, 09:30 PM)Bob Wrote: I have a few thoughts about this. It seems it's hard for people to work together for some reason.

This is exactly one thought. Please share more. However you are correct, there's a blatant undertone of mistrust in every game, there's always a chance the person you are talking to will turn around and shoot you.
I have odd hours so whenever I join lljk1, there's like one guy who seems excited to see me and I'll say hi to him once, wander around a bit, realize I have no plan or goal, and leave
(06-02-2017, 09:47 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I have odd hours so whenever I join lljk1, there's like one guy who seems excited to see me and I'll say hi to him once, wander around a bit, realize I have no plan or goal, and leave

Yeah the reason I never do roleplay is it involves a lot more like, thinking, and waiting, mostly waiting. I get bored really easily, so if I don't have a goal or at least things I can go do, I want to leave

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