Mentor application: SageAcrin (Escha Thermic)
Usual Character Name: Human: Escha Thermic. Borg-Varies, always some weird dumb Rho-serial number joke. AI-I forget if I used to do this back a few years ago, I believe so, but I usually go by A(word) I(word) as AI these days.
BYOND Username: SageAcrin
Recommended by (if applicable): I've had the idea thrown around a few times in the past, but I never remembered specifically.
Times Available: Right now, fairly often-call it random times between 12PM/AM EST all week. Probably will lower as more stuff gets going in my life.

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum):

Reason: I observe/do a few goofy round effecting things and suicide a lot because of physical health issues that limit my amount of play time, so I figure "well I talk during that so hey, may as well fire off a few answers to questions".

Game Experience: Huh, I only started August 2014? I thought it was longer. Anywho, I took a break of about a year, year and a half, so call it a year and a half or two years of experience.

Experience-wise, I generally like to sum up my experience the short way of "uhhh I don't know tele-sci but I know the theory, I don't know pathology, and I don't do botany though I can put the seed in the planter, and toxins is more of a theoretical for me than actual knowledge".

The long way is funnier though. I know how to do everything from nice legitimate stuff like set up an engine, make medicines, treat basically every illness(up to and including complete heart failure or some of the nastiest hell poisons, if I can get them in time. Also Cluwne! Cluwne is bad, treat it. Not with acid. Well I mean, if you need to.), do PDA/DWAINE nerdery up to and including spoofing, get every single bot roaming around happily(including player ones), do genetics pretty well(I teleport instead of melting myself, if you know what that means), I actually Janitor enough to know that there's a second janitorial closet(And did so on Cog 1), I know both how to properly set up the artifact testers and how to do it the much faster "hit it with the right things" ways, I can make a pretty good drink that won't even kill you and make meals that heal you(and Hunchback), I can actually set buddies roaming as AI and set up the solars...

You know, this is a longer list than I expected and I haven't even gotten to the horrible crime stuff.

My specialities are engineering-I generally can get PW burns in sub-60 easily now and I'm pushing EW in sub-60 now-and chemistry. These days I can make some very good heaven chems given an artbeaker and a few minutes, and I love sharing this knowledge on how to both do it, and how to make it practical. And I love doing an engine setup that doesn't burn down the station despite producing tons of power-in fact, I learned basic Mechanics setups just so I could do the PTL teleporter because it was bugging me to make the station more dangerous than needed.

Hellchems...well I once burned down Cog 1's engineering by patching a monkey repeatedly. All of it. With foam. Without moving. I don't hellchem much these days but even my lower efforts tend to kill people horribly(or lead to fun stuff like icebuffer). I also do things like poison myself some rounds so I can recognize poisons. (The code leak has been good to me in this regard-now I recognize things like Incomplete Werewolf Serum from their symptoms... yes I am a poisons nerd, shut up.)

There's probably more stuff I'm forgetting-I generally have ran a lot of jobs. I've even done Sec at points, but I find it high stress... though people seemed to like me when I do it, so I may give it a spin again sometime.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): I think I got fake banned a few times for terrible jokes.
A fun player who knows things!
A regular name that I'm surprised isn't purple yet honestly. When I see Escha its a mixture of "Oh good they know what they're doing" and "I really hope I dont get robusted too hard"

Definitely a vote from me.
Recommended by (if applicable): Lots of people.

Active, knowledgeable, considerate, and mature in my experience with em'. Hell, Escha winds up teaching people in deadchat anyways. Just need to make it official.
Good player, knows her shit, would be a good addition to mentor team.

All of my yes.
Escha seems like a fun person and is always really open about giving advice and teaching people stuff. Yes.
This is another case of "wow why aren't you a mentor already".

Always glad to see Escha playing, very fun player, and obviously knows enough to fit the purple.
Escha is definitely mentor material.
(03-06-2017, 10:05 AM)Sam Eagle Wrote: A regular name that I'm surprised isn't purple yet honestly. When I see Escha its a mixture of "Oh good they know what they're doing" and "I really hope I dont get robusted have to robust them too hard"

Definitely a vote from me.

same, yes

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