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Persistent Bank - Suggestions + Feedback
i like the sound of casual shortsleeve/short jumpsuits

also, are there any plans to be able to permanently buy the cosmetics? (JUST cosmetics, nothing that would give you an advantage like spawning with a set of tools or anything like that)

could just jack up the base price by x10/x20
(03-05-2017, 02:38 PM)babayetu83 Wrote: also, are there any plans to be able to permanently buy the cosmetics? (JUST cosmetics, nothing that would give you an advantage like spawning with a set of tools or anything like that)

could just jack up the base price by x10/x20

as the WIP stands right now, there is no option for a permanent purchase. It does complicate things a little, but if there is sufficient demand we could probably figure something out!
You could implement permanents by including something that changes the price of whatever it makes permanent 0 if that's easier to program
Another idea: Maybe instead of a permanent purchase, some purchases could last for a set amount of rounds?
One thing that I think could be needed would be a inventory setup of sorts that exists outside of everything. This is where your all your purchases are stored, so that you can buy whenever and freely choose which rounds to use them on (Before the round starts, of course), instead of fiddling with trying to buy something every single pre-round or needing to have something last multiple rounds in a row.
(03-05-2017, 05:49 PM)MyBlueCorners Wrote: Another idea: Maybe instead of a permanent purchase, some purchases could last for a set amount of rounds?

why not have both options, with buying for a set amount of rounds being the middle (buy for one round, buy for multiple, buy to keep it)
I don't like the idea of permanent purchase because it defeats the whole purpose of this system.

The reason this stuff is bought with spacebucks instead of earned as a medal is because it's not meant to be permanent.

Lasting for multiple rounds is a good idea though.
(03-05-2017, 07:10 PM)Noah Buttes Wrote: I don't like the idea of permanent purchase because it defeats the whole purpose of this system.

The reason this stuff is bought with spacebucks instead of earned as a medal is because it's not meant to be permanent.

Lasting for multiple rounds is a good idea though.

to the contrary i think it would be a good fit

has the chance to increase player retention, and it even adds a sense of progression (which i think is quite rare in this game)
It would sure help remind me to use my 'cheevo skins. I never use those skins because I keep forgetting to use them! Choosing them pre-round might help me use them more often!

I'd say also move the medal unlocks to the pre-round purchases. Still have to unlock them, but they'll be cheap.
Permanent purchasing would be a thing for things without a use IMO. But not for clothes? Dunno yet.
Occasional RNG based item drops would be cool too. Gotta TF2 it up. Ingame you could choose what items from your inventory you would want to "redeem" and have placed in the world or in your hand. You should also get the option to buy things ingame with your "space gold/coins/etc" or whatever.

I kinda think the currency should be granted not using the station scoring system but instead on preset things that are determined (eg objective completion, using your brain, etc)

I disagree that there should be wages 100%.
(03-07-2017, 11:26 AM)somepotato Wrote: Gotta TF2 it up. 

Unusual hats they come with the special effects called "orbiting fart clouds" or a very rare "orbiting bee" its not a effect but a bee actually just likes the hat and orbits it

if unusual hats actually become a thing with this make them be permanent but require effort and time to get also if they will be permanent only make them either a special reward for being a good traitor and completing enough objectives and getting the special mony that you get from that if that is that is a thing but still make it expensive not a "i won one round and completed all the objectives time to enjoy my special hat" kinda deal

the effects are just cosmetic and dont do anything special because they could be op for being rare

also make some effects that are only for mentors admins and coders that could be a reward for doing the job they do or something
only one though
mentors: flying papers to prove your knowledge of the game
coders: digital rain its a bunch of 1's and 0's raining
admins: floating hammers because ban hammers

i might sprite some of there but im not good at doing them so we this might not be a thing

ok bye.

this was a joke

Would it be possible to make some kind of a CoD-style shapey-logo thing where you could arrange various pieces together to make dumb pictures to plaster all over the station. Then sell the pieces to players for a bunch of nanotra$$ens.
This idea is very good, I don't think I support permanent purchases too much tho.

If you wanna have the same dumb hat every round, buy it every round. Multi-round buys are a good plan tho I dig that.
Any permanent purchase limits the range of cash sinks; it's rarely a good thing in the long run. Multi-round, 'buy if possible', or 'purchase stacking' methods are fine. It'd be different if we were a huge community with a shit-ton of good spriters, but that ain't SS13.

Getting cash should probably promote server healthy things like attendance, participation, and playing difficult roles. Drawing from my own ideals it would probably be something like:

- Small flat sum for joining a round to encourage hopping on. Doesn't matter if they leave afterward; some won't.
- Base rate income for being in round and connected to server. Drive those pop numbers up, if possible.
- Small multipliers for burden-roles like Sec and AI. They need something.
- Hefty divisors for being dead and/or not reaching centcom. Life has meaning, and that meaning is money.

and yeah, I like the purchase bank idea too. It'd be great if I could buy in advance, but also choose which rounds I use the purchases. I'd be fine without it too, though. It's just a convenience thing.
Ideally, you'd buy things and it be placed in your out of game inventory, and you could "use" items in that inventory ingame.
I'd like temporary clothing (eg lasting only a few days or so) that'd be sold at a discount of the full price, or permanent ones that are quite a bit more expensive but would be worth it if you prefered it. There would also be single use items (that you can buy multiple ones of) of things like fireworks.

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