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Bots ignore being welded into closets now.
If you weld beepsky (for example) into a closet, he just phases right out the next time he decides to move. It's super dumb.
Crates, too.
Beepsky does not respect the laws of physics for they are merely a hindrance to his own.
He "Escapes" cargo carts if you load him on one of 'em as well.
you can't outrun a radio
Noah Buttes raises a fair point. Beepsky is the law.

This is somewhat funny but I'd imagine this would be super annoying. I mean, bots should be able to (eventually) break out. But not phase through.
maybe all bots have tiny welders, so they can slowly unweld the locker from the inside, through the gap (that normal welders cant fit in), this would also allow bots to slowly unweld doors that are welded in their path
i think this should be fixed for everyone that isn't beepsky
If beepsky is (active and) welded into something (but not *locked* into something) then it should burst out screaming "YOU CAN'T STOP THE LAW"

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