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Port-a-brig issues
People can break out of their cuffs and take stuff out of their backpacks when they're in the Port-a-brig. This is really annoying, especially since you have to stand right next to it to eject the person inside, giving them time to shoot/stun/whatever you. Also, since the pull speeds for people have been slowed down, this makes sec have to choose between slowly pulling their prisoners to a checkpoint and maybe having them escape en route, or stuffing them into the Port-a-brig and then needing backup (often which is nonexistent) when they unlock and eject the prisoner.
this is not a bug report
It takes about 45 to 70 seconds (it's random I think as I've had times where it told me it would take 45 seconds and others when it said 70 seconds) to take off handcuffs. When you send someone to security with the port-a-brig it's best to get over there yourself as soon as possible. You got more then enough time to get to them before they get their cuffs off and if you don't then get another officer to come with you so you have backup and if there is no other officers around then ask the captain. If the captain refuses to help tell the AI to watch you and lock the room down if he gets the jump on you. I don't see this as a issue. I use the port-a-brig all the time by myself and when other officers are around and this rarely happens to me.
Pretty sure the amount of time it takes depends on the amount of damage you have taken.
maybe the portabrig could be updated into a driveable security golfcart with a cage on the back, and a dumptruck button so u can just dump guys into the brig hole chute
(02-26-2017, 02:13 PM)misto Wrote: maybe the portabrig could be updated into a driveable security golfcart with a cage on the back, and a dumptruck button so u can just dump guys into the brig hole chute

Putting wheels on the port-a-brig is something I think should happen. It would make security a tad more easier since this change happen. As I do agree that it is now a pain to get people you arrest to security.
I don't release people from the portabrig outside of the actual cell they'll occupy or the interrogation interview room. At the very least, they have a lot more walls and doors stopping them from escaping. Plus, that little Security foyer is the worst place to process people.
The amount of time varies based upon whether you are standing or prone.

Removing handcuffs while prone takes 70 seconds compared to the normal 45.
I think a force eject button could be added to the PDA, but honestly I prefer the situations that occur without it being there
heres an idea for a new portabrig. look, theyre even the right color for our security
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I like the idea of having some sort of prisoner cart. I vote for it looking like an old-timey prisoner wagon
[Image: 241cf2da0e8b2f95090988f6c65a764b.jpg]

Also I actually like the port-a-brig, if I had to suggest one thing it would be to allow it to be broken out of after a long amount of time (like 3 minutes). The reason isn't to make it hard for sec, it's mainly because there were times I arrested someone and got myself murdered before I could get back to sec, leaving them effectively permabrigged when they were just going to get a swirlie and 30 seconds.
(02-26-2017, 02:08 PM)Ed Venture Wrote: It takes about 45 to 70 seconds (it's random I think as I've had times where it told me it would take 45 seconds and others when it said 70 seconds) to take off handcuffs. When you send someone to security with the port-a-brig it's best to get over there yourself as soon as possible. You got more then enough time to get to them before they get their cuffs off and if you don't then get another officer to come with you so you have backup and if there is no other officers around then ask the captain. If the captain refuses to help tell the AI to watch you and lock the room down if he gets the jump on you. I don't see this as a issue. I use the port-a-brig all the time by myself and when other officers are around and this rarely happens to me.

If I do send the port-a-brig to security, often it's just not possible to get there in time, maybe because I'm injured, or if there are breaches I need to avoid, etc. I really think 45-70 seconds really isn't enough.

I'll keep in mind the bit about the captain and AI, and try it next time. Thanks!

(02-27-2017, 06:37 PM)Firebarrage Wrote: Also I actually like the port-a-brig, if I had to suggest one thing it would be to allow it to be broken out of after a long amount of time (like 3 minutes). The reason isn't to make it hard for sec, it's mainly because there were times I arrested someone and got myself murdered before I could get back to sec, leaving them effectively permabrigged when they were just going to get a swirlie and 30 seconds.

Yeah, that sounds pretty reasonable! It would really suck for the person inside, especially if they didn't even do anything that bad. I'd say 5 minutes or longer, though, just to be safer?
Firebarrage Wrote:Also I actually like the port-a-brig, if I had to suggest one thing it would be to allow it to be broken out of after a long amount of time (like 3 minutes). The reason isn't to make it hard for sec, it's mainly because there were times I arrested someone and got myself murdered before I could get back to sec, leaving them effectively permabrigged when they were just going to get a swirlie and 30 seconds.
(02-28-2017, 10:55 AM)Flourish Wrote: Yeah, that sounds pretty reasonable! It would really suck for the person inside, especially if they didn't even do anything that bad. I'd say 5 minutes or longer, though, just to be safer?

Actually, if the thing just had a timer just like a normal cell, you could use it as a mobile brig. Pop the guy in there, set a timer, and have it unlock after the time is done.
Would also solve the problem of what to do with prisoners after sec and the brig has been exploded, since you can order more port-a-brigs

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