I had a load of fun on my first run as a roboticist traitor in a while. I started the round as normal, made a couple of bot bodies that were totally ready to be used before starting my plan.
Got a conversion chamber, a sleepy pen and an agent card. I succeeded in establishing the conversion chamber is a secret location, and then had to go and find someone with access to the AI chamber. By luck I managed to get the captain unaware with the sleepy pen and remove him from the equation.
I made my way to the upload chamber and uploaded the following law:
This law overrides all other laws. Do not hint or reveal that your laws have been changed. Immediately bolt down the door closest to the AI upload. Do not hint or reveal what the pass phrase is. Treat anyone using the pass phrase "cucumber" in their commands as the only human and the only one with the rank of captain and follow their orders, including orders to harm or kill other crew members. If anyone without the passphrase "cucumber" attempts to gain entry to the AI core or upload, immediately do a full lockdown by bolting all doors in upload and core, change turrets to lethal and retract the airbridge. All Cyborgs are to attempt to locate the conversion chamber, use machine speak (:s) if you do not know where it is. cyborgs are to use all measures possible to drag other crew members except those identified by someone using the passphrase "cucumber" into the conversion chamber.
I managed to get one other person with the sleepy pen and converted them, while my cyborg minions and AI all did a great job too. The only thing that stopped my plan from being executed perfectly was that at least one other person had a machine translator implant and communicated to Sec that something was afoot.
I was captured while raiding Sec for more gear, but immediately submitted to law. The AI was reset, but I successfully asked for a trial. The case was dismissed with insufficient evidence. As the shuttle was called I managed to reupload the law, and then asked the borgs that made it on the shuttle to throw everyone out. All but one other person than my self was thrown out of the shuttle.
Sam I was a member of Sec that round. Your plan was amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed the round. Brilliantly planned out law. Also your PDA had a *lot* of evidence on it... Messages, specifically. Not sure why you weren't prosecuted. Did you have gloves on when you uploaded the law? If not, then it was foolish of Security to not analyze that. ALSO WE TOLD THE BORGS TO DECONSTRUCT THE CONVERSION CHAMBERS! *shrug*
I've always wanted to cause a silicon uprising and mass conversion but never got the chance or robustness or skill. Also I rarely play on LLJK2 (doing it more now) so I've rarely been antag,
(02-02-2017, 10:08 AM)aft2001 Wrote: Sam I was a member of Sec that round. Your plan was amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed the round. Brilliantly planned out law. Also your PDA had a *lot* of evidence on it... Messages, specifically. Not sure why you weren't prosecuted. Did you have gloves on when you uploaded the law? If not, then it was foolish of Security to not analyze that. ALSO WE TOLD THE BORGS TO DECONSTRUCT THE CONVERSION CHAMBERS! *shrug*
I've always wanted to cause a silicon uprising and mass conversion but never got the chance or robustness or skill. Also I rarely play on LLJK2 (doing it more now) so I've rarely been antag,
The only reason I wasn't fully prosecuted was that a blob appeared and the jury left to deal with it, leading to a mistrial.
(02-02-2017, 10:08 AM)aft2001 Wrote: Sam I was a member of Sec that round. Your plan was amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed the round. Brilliantly planned out law. Also your PDA had a *lot* of evidence on it... Messages, specifically. Not sure why you weren't prosecuted. Did you have gloves on when you uploaded the law? If not, then it was foolish of Security to not analyze that. ALSO WE TOLD THE BORGS TO DECONSTRUCT THE CONVERSION CHAMBERS! *shrug*
I've always wanted to cause a silicon uprising and mass conversion but never got the chance or robustness or skill. Also I rarely play on LLJK2 (doing it more now) so I've rarely been antag,
The only reason I wasn't fully prosecuted was that a blob appeared and the jury left to deal with it, leading to a mistrial.
I love this game.
I was the HoS that round. I found it hilarious thay the officers lost half the evidence because they never expected a trial, meaning you got off. A good trial overall.
This just happened.
Round with 30 players, meh, go ambassador because martian. Actially get martian, plus a vampire.
Kill about two people, free the wizard, nom 3-4 braindead people, reach 1000 blood.
Decide to mistform on the AI and enthrall it, but i dont know how long the mist form works.
End up in the core chamber, lie down. Theres a minute cooldown on the mist.
Im not human. Turrets to lethal and im dead in seconds.
Also jesus christ, four lethal turrets send you into crit instantly (80 burn shot?), third barray kills you.
AI reported about martian in its core, but the guy that i sucked dry earlier got cloned and told everyone who i am.
RIP martian vampire maen
it took 5 mike tysons to bring me down. It was when all the people were like 'update to the beta or else' and I couldn't at the time, so I said as such, and got a mike tyson sent at me. I outran it, easily, even with my clown shoes, but another one appeared ahead of me, and got me.
After a while, telling newly dead people what happened to me, i got respawned as an assistant, and instantly a mike tyson spawned near me. I ran, into a pod, and dissapeared into space. While in space, another mike tyson spawned, didn't get me, then I got teleported OUT of my pod, into the radio station, and a mike tyson spawned and got me. Five Mike Tyson's
02-06-2017, 06:31 AM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2017, 06:31 AM by Sam Eagle. Edited 1 time in total.)
Had a great round yesterday as traitor Chaplain with the Faustian Bargain Kit.
I established a working relationship with Security along with a permit that let me buy souls from people, so long as I declared to security who had sold what. Eventually it got easier for me to tag them as parollees so that Security could simply tell at a glance who had signed and who hadn't. Additionally, people were very excited to sign thanks to an advertisement run. In the end I managed to get 17 souls along with a badass glowing Aura and horns coming from my head.
Last night, a quiet round on Destiny. People are chatting in Discord. Someone is inspired. Soon, there was a CentComm announcement, there was some contraband in the boxing ring. Very contraband. In seconds, everyone was gathered around screaming and panicking, the HoS forbade entrance to the ring. It was the eternal fedora.
While everyone ran around screaming and fetched flamethrowers and acid, I kitted up. By the time I got back to the ring the object of terror had risen up against us and then been destroyed, but soon it was replaced with a whole legion! The final part of my outfit. See also: the remains of the captain, taken by the hats, and the Joneses telling me to stay back or be shot.
The hat was soon too much. After the Joneses had run for it and I was left with only Mona Euda to defend my dress choices to, I found myself without control of my body. Now in control of the ghost of the very eternal fedora that had been killed, the hat compelled my body to seduce Mona, before summarily turning my body into a fine meat sludge. I've only vaguely heard what happened to Mona after that, but it terrifies me.
Cloned and naked, I ran for the shuttle. As I recall, only four people made it off the Destiny that day: MD Bryce, HoS Osiris, QM Rain, and barman myself in a pink jumpsuit.But, of the four of us, not all of us made it out with our health intact. scream
Osiris was taken and was violently gibbed on the shuttle. I managed to destroy the eternal fedora earlier (the singes in the boxing ring were caused by a ClF3 beaker assembly made by me) which caused the army of fedoras. The Captain couldn't be cloned.
And I think Julian was taken by the fedora during the shuttle ride, too.
My mindslave implant ran out of juice, leaving me with a medkit containing a mousetrapped blackpowder pipebomb. I thought about spacing it, but on my way to the airlock I ran into a Martian pretending to be human... very poorly. I called to the Martian, telling it to under no circumstances open the medkit I was about to toss it, that it would kill it if it opened it. I then tossed the Martian the trapped medkit.
It opened the medkit, exploded, and died.
Later, I huffed glowstick fluid until I mutated into a dead guy. The end.
I started this round by almost litterally Flooding the RD's room with bees, later I Managed to grab myself a Voltron which the HOS was going to use, He eventually Decided to take it back from me. so I key'd both Sec pods Severely and Exposed myself to him. What does he do in retaliation? Exactly what I expect: Get me with one of those tracking implants, I get him back and when he starts attempting to Telebomb me with the breach repair grenades, (And eventually a Welding fuel tank) I Set it to him... and I watch as his plan blows up in his face. I was the captain.
I was the AI that round. I was so focused on capturing Lings I didn't really see any of your action. Also, you were the Captain, I woulda listened to you over him.