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replace aquatic genetics aka purple dude mutation
there's a species-changing gene thing that just turns you purple.  that's it you're purple and it's kind of shitty.  

it makes being a diplomat bad sometimes because instead of a rad skeleton or shifty lizard you're just..a purple guy.

instead just let genetics have full spectrum control over your skin color and be whatever shade of purple or blue or whatever you want bam
yuup. Technically, you also get all your speech as "glubs", but that's still really lame. You can't even breath in the pool!
Give them the Ink Glands mutation

here is my proposal
Protip! Genetics already can change your colour to any variety under the rainbow!
(01-19-2017, 02:26 PM)misto Wrote: here is my proposal

An attempt was made

[Image: DwXdRQJ.png]

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.dmi   fishman.dmi (Size: 1.17 KB / Downloads: 360)
good sprites arborinus

may need additional ones for facing other directions i guess

would be cute to see them recolored to reflect the different fish types present in the fishy freezer

and fishmen should get kuru if they eat fish sticks, fish burger, fish taco
Yes actually make them look like fish and not someone who is ripping off blue man group
I thought someone had fixed the squid guys ages ago, they're supposed to look like this:
[Image: mewxqk]
But apparently no one ever got around to it (until now)
Okay that actually makes sense.

Also looks neat. Wonder how many people are gonna do the whole Cthulhu thing.
Oh, so THAT'S why they're called illithids in the code. Now it all makes sense!
Holy fuck those look way cooler!
That was just sitting there in the code this whole time?
Literal fish man needs to be a thing, I say! Oh no you didn't
(03-21-2017, 09:06 AM)atamusvaleo Wrote: Literal fish man needs to be a thing, I say! Oh no you didn't

Could easily be a merchant
I always thought these were meant to be like Lovecraft's Deep Ones, but having a race of Zoidbergs seems like a far more interesting idea.

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