01-09-2017, 11:25 AM
I'm writing this on a whim as it's on my mind and it's something that i'll likely forget about. I'm also of the opinion that this might be a TERRIBLE idea because it either may not be feasible, or looks good on paper but in practise is total shit, but i'm going to sling it out and see if it gains any traction:
Whitelisted Dungeon Masters for Destiny:
Everyone can agree that Day of Destiny was a fun idea, which was essentially SS13 story mode. Thing is, admins don't have that much time to do these things. Now an unethical solution to this would be to chain an admin to a computer and spritz them with water anytime they nod off..
..but what if there was a halfway house?
What if, say trusted individuals, those who probably have a good idea of what would make a good story, got power to essentially be a dungeon master?
"How?" I hear you screech.
The dungeon master can apply to be one through an application. It would probably require something along HoS guidelines, in which you'd want to know that they are of good mind, but also they would want to advertise at best why they would make a good dungeon master. "I am robust" would be a terrible application. "I want to create an environment which promotes teamwork and encourages antagonists to be creative" would be a better example.
But.. is a Dungeon Master not an admin?
This is not a goatfart, nor is it an admin position. Imagine this more like a more intricate AI. The following is the limitations of a dungeon master:
1: Dungeon master is not affliated with admitchat or adminhelp.
You lack the ability to ban people, you lack the ability to see any adminhelps. You can warp people to certain zones and speak to them privately, but acting out of the dungeon master remit would be a surefire way of never ever being one again in the future. One possible aside is that perhaps they could hear prayers. Following on from this you are not allowed to act as a dungeon master against someone you percieve to be greifing. Instead, dungeon masters are expected to adminhelp.
2: You forfiet your round upon becoming a Dungeon Master.
The dungeon master would, in theory, be a job at round start. You roll to become one, you are ghosted. You cannot make yourself an antagonist, or even spawn on the station in any way. Choosing to be a dungeon master is not a free ticket to be an ass.
3: Your dungeon master abilities will be scrutinized, and you can be de-dungeon mastered.
Being a good dungeon master would be fairly easy if you're in the right set of mind. Observe the round, plod about, make x an antag, give x some y equipment. One good way of fucking up would be to bomb the station 5 minutes in. That's not to say bombs are not on the menu, but it must have some form of build up and give players the ability to counter whatever you sling at them.
4. You lack most of the buttons.
You can't break the server, so don't even try.
5. You can't explore the adventure zone z-level.
Nice try.
Ok.. but what CAN a Dungeon Master do?
1. A dungeon master can spawn most if not all things.
2. A dungeon master can create antagonists. This comes with the responsibility that they wont fuck up and make everyone omniantagonists. They can warp people, say for example if you wanted your bad guy to start someplace you created.
3. He can create areas, possibly having a small to medium sized area in the adventure zone to which he can build on. This allows for telescience shenanigins (CENTCOM REPORT: NEW AREA DETECTED), but also they could mass spawn things like other ships, or even spawning large dungeons beside Destiny (to basically simulate the ship is moved into new territory)
4. They can communicate with other players, either via mass messaging such as centcom reports or by private messaging (which should be obvious that it is a dungeon master contacting you). They may be able to hear prayers, I would have no problem with this.
I am literally writing this on the bus out of boredom, so please go all out and crush this idea for all its worth. I think it's fairly novel and if whitelisted and works how I think it should work, then we have something that could make Destiny extremely interesting.
Whitelisted Dungeon Masters for Destiny:
Everyone can agree that Day of Destiny was a fun idea, which was essentially SS13 story mode. Thing is, admins don't have that much time to do these things. Now an unethical solution to this would be to chain an admin to a computer and spritz them with water anytime they nod off..
..but what if there was a halfway house?
What if, say trusted individuals, those who probably have a good idea of what would make a good story, got power to essentially be a dungeon master?
"How?" I hear you screech.
The dungeon master can apply to be one through an application. It would probably require something along HoS guidelines, in which you'd want to know that they are of good mind, but also they would want to advertise at best why they would make a good dungeon master. "I am robust" would be a terrible application. "I want to create an environment which promotes teamwork and encourages antagonists to be creative" would be a better example.
But.. is a Dungeon Master not an admin?
This is not a goatfart, nor is it an admin position. Imagine this more like a more intricate AI. The following is the limitations of a dungeon master:
1: Dungeon master is not affliated with admitchat or adminhelp.
You lack the ability to ban people, you lack the ability to see any adminhelps. You can warp people to certain zones and speak to them privately, but acting out of the dungeon master remit would be a surefire way of never ever being one again in the future. One possible aside is that perhaps they could hear prayers. Following on from this you are not allowed to act as a dungeon master against someone you percieve to be greifing. Instead, dungeon masters are expected to adminhelp.
2: You forfiet your round upon becoming a Dungeon Master.
The dungeon master would, in theory, be a job at round start. You roll to become one, you are ghosted. You cannot make yourself an antagonist, or even spawn on the station in any way. Choosing to be a dungeon master is not a free ticket to be an ass.
3: Your dungeon master abilities will be scrutinized, and you can be de-dungeon mastered.
Being a good dungeon master would be fairly easy if you're in the right set of mind. Observe the round, plod about, make x an antag, give x some y equipment. One good way of fucking up would be to bomb the station 5 minutes in. That's not to say bombs are not on the menu, but it must have some form of build up and give players the ability to counter whatever you sling at them.
4. You lack most of the buttons.
You can't break the server, so don't even try.
5. You can't explore the adventure zone z-level.
Nice try.
Ok.. but what CAN a Dungeon Master do?
1. A dungeon master can spawn most if not all things.
2. A dungeon master can create antagonists. This comes with the responsibility that they wont fuck up and make everyone omniantagonists. They can warp people, say for example if you wanted your bad guy to start someplace you created.
3. He can create areas, possibly having a small to medium sized area in the adventure zone to which he can build on. This allows for telescience shenanigins (CENTCOM REPORT: NEW AREA DETECTED), but also they could mass spawn things like other ships, or even spawning large dungeons beside Destiny (to basically simulate the ship is moved into new territory)
4. They can communicate with other players, either via mass messaging such as centcom reports or by private messaging (which should be obvious that it is a dungeon master contacting you). They may be able to hear prayers, I would have no problem with this.
I am literally writing this on the bus out of boredom, so please go all out and crush this idea for all its worth. I think it's fairly novel and if whitelisted and works how I think it should work, then we have something that could make Destiny extremely interesting.