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Best moments ever thread 2.0
(11-07-2016, 12:57 AM)grumpchkin Wrote:
(11-06-2016, 05:03 PM)Burrito Justice Wrote: [lots of things]

[other things]

Judging that trial was incredibly fun. Or maybe I should say "relaying God's judgement" instead of "judging"? Honestly, by the time the thing had finished Roco had already waited out any possible sentence they could have gotten. Many thanks to all involved for coming along.
When Haine spawned in as a woodcock birb with AMAZING WALKING ANIMATIONS and shotgunbill decided to edit a couple of variables and made the birb a wrestler birb that sweep kicked and headbutted everyone it deemed was a danger to it's existence. Much laughter was had until the shuttle arrived, chock full of a variety of hostile birbs.
Then a pipe bomb happened.
On LLJK1 I was the AI, minding my own business. Suddenly, I get a little law update...

My second law was replaced with the law saying that fire is good for humans and to give them as much fire as possible. It's fucking Christmas!

I proceeded to open up the already existing fire in Toxins, and I set the entirety of security, engineering, and Port Primary Hall on fire. that was a GOOD round!

It was also my first AI rampage!
(11-08-2016, 07:13 PM)aft2001 Wrote: On LLJK1 I was the AI, minding my own business. Suddenly, I get a little law update...

My second law was replaced with the law saying that fire is good for humans and to give them as much fire as possible. It's fucking Christmas!

I proceeded to open up the already existing fire in Toxins, and I set the entirety of security, engineering, and Port Primary Hall on fire. that was a GOOD round!

It was also my first AI rampage!
When Rain fedora tip'd
[Image: 762d03a9a55e6eaf5544994f9e0a9af6.png]
[Image: d18f6fd181aeb5fa3dcb8c6b9d00d7e9.png]
and doppleganger rain watched it all
(11-14-2016, 10:28 PM)Burrito Justice Wrote: words and pictures

Osiris spaced the fedora straight afterwards. So I went out in a pod, got it, and tipped it in Disposals. When I left that round there was just a neat pile of Julian bits with a fedora on top against the crusher door.
I'd also like to object to Alison being called a doppelganger as she clearly has a different shade of lavender in her hair.
(11-06-2016, 07:33 AM)NesMettaur Wrote: Destiny! Aside from a court case I think people aside from me can better explain, last night also was privy to a station bonfire to know each other better.

Earlier that same round as the bonfire, there were a LOT of printers going off. Over communications I heard an argument about mass-printing stuff to use the station's entire paper supply.

Come the bonfire...
[Image: o0WrlhZ.png]

I remember doing that. I was yelling that security had no evidence and that they should check the logs, I deleted the logs so nothing would show up.
Long story short, it was a mixed round, I was a changeling and there was a wiz, I had eaten a bunch of people and was promising an army of handspiders for the shuttle, then I slipped up while trying to eat the wiz and got polymorphed into a possum. Fun fact, possums come back after dying, like changelings can pretend to be dead. I ran around, adminhelped and found that yes, I could still kill, then ran around trying to murder people with little success.

Then Grayshift gave me some changeling powers, toxic spit, neurotox and LSD stings. Also had DNA sting but that didn't do anything cause I was a possum. I then ran around, killing people as a possum, no one suspected I was the ling in the room and I almost murdered a bunch of people on the shuttle. A good round in all, but apologies to my hivemind for the unfulfilled promises.
Detective Phoebe Buzz sat down at the Slot Machines, hoping to persons get rich since Nanotrasen payed them almost nothing. They took half of their wage.

And over the course of, what, 10? 20? minutes, they had gotten two MILLION DOLLAR announcements, and two HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR announcements.

Phoebe Buzz was attempted to be lynched, but survived. The End.
I had just been cloned after the best Chef ever defeated a robust antagonist. And I had reached a hallway. Inside this hallway, was a teleporter. Entering it, I teleported to an airless room.

DAMN MECHANICS, I thought to myself. When two people began to talk to me. They did not notice I had no air. I kept gasping and screaming as they talked to eachother. Until finally, I had typed in Succumb.

Erza Sauter asks, "there is air in there right?"

Is the last thing I heard before the game fully processed my death.
I just had a round where I was the only traitor, and I had a surplus crate (the contents will follow later). First things first, I'm running around with my detective's revolver in my bag, and another syndicate revolver. After walking around for a while, I hear shouts of 'BLOB' and find a blob in the toilets in the bridge. I run off, hatching a plan. I then use telesci magics to drop 3 weld bombs on the blob's nucleus, which annihilated the blob before they could react, and nearly/did kill all humans nearby. About 5 seconds after the explosion stop, Wire says in OOC: "what".

Turns out I killed wireblob, and as revenge, wire spawned loads of ferrets in telesci. I prayed to keep him entertained however, with my bag of tricks from my surplus crate. I decide to use one of my traitor items, the chameleon bomb I got. I make it look like my (completely unused) police baton, and leave it on the floor outside robotics, expecting one of the roboticists to grab it, and explode. I run off, then hear an explosion from medbay, and head over to see who it got.

In the wreckage and holes into space, there's only one ID visible... The Christmas Spirit's ID. In less than 30 minutes I killed a wireblob and santa claus, while still completely undetected as a traitor. Meanwhile the AI and borgs are messing around with the ferrets, which were killed then 'magically' brought back to life. The borg brings a locker full of ferrets to escape soon after I finish mindslaving someone who was just sitting there, probably braindead, I thought.

Their first order? Do a flip. They were afk for a bit, then they did the flip, showing they understood I was the master and all that, while a borg and human were in the room, unaware. We get on the shuttle, on which there is a giant ferret, named something I can't remember in all caps. And a Tommy Gun appears out of nowhere. This gun fires projectiles that turn you into a guy called Tommy something, I can't remember, and he has unique screams and stuff. (turns out the gun also turned one borg into the human Tommy). So at this point everyone on the shuttle is this Tommy guy, and Beepsky is arresting everyone for some reason (hopefully cause wire set tommy whatever to arrest in advance) so I yell to my mindslave to either free me, or take my bag and shoot people.

They choose the latter, of course, for glory. They take my backpack, pull out my syndicate revolver, pull the trigger and BANG, their head explodes. It was a fake revolver. Not what I had planned but it worked nonetheless. I broke out of my cuffs just before the shuttle arrived, grabbed my police baton back, stunned everyone once just before we arrived, then punched the god ferret. A crazy round, and a great one.
(12-04-2016, 02:05 AM)NateTheSquid Wrote: a glorious pile of words

I was thoroughly entertained by this post. 10/10
(12-04-2016, 02:05 AM)NateTheSquid Wrote: Turns out I killed wireblob.
Get this man a medal.
I was there for that, Nate! Thror and I were eating some meatball pizza by the blob, when the blob got hungry, too, I guess. It absorbed me, and Thror screamed in horror, using his captain's egun to shoot towards the nucleus, which was by the bridge laundry room. As soon as he left to recharge or rearm, did those nice welding bombs show up.

I was wondering who did that, and now I know! Bloob rounds with traitors need to happen more.
On my first day, I might have confused the mail chute for the waste disposal

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