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Let's talk about nitroglycerin
Right. I want to clear a few things up.

In every experiment that i have done in the past, nitroglycerin has miraculously failed to explode inside if a person.

I am fairly certain that nitroglycerin already has a chance to roll for fixing cardiac failure. It's flavour text implies that it does at least, though i can't seem to find any evidence of this in the code.

"description = "A miracle worker in treating cardiac failure. Very, very volatile and sensitive compound. Do not run while handling this. Do not throw this. Do not splash this.""

And judging by the code you can actually cool down nitroglycerin, causing it to become solid, which reduces the chances that it will explode and murder you!
Before any changes, smoking it into monkeys did nothing outright. Not sure if they were shock sensitive or if it was just RNG, but I remember a few of them exploding when I mass drivered them out of the russian derelict.

Staff assistant! Launch all chimpedoes!
Chimpedoes away, sir!

Easily outplayed by smoked bp monkeybombs, though. Especially with a teleport pads.
(11-20-2016, 04:00 AM)Vitatroll Wrote: Before any changes, smoking it into monkeys did nothing outright. Not sure if they were shock sensitive or if it was just RNG, but I remember a few of them exploding when I mass drivered them out of the russian derelict.

Staff assistant! Launch all chimpedoes!
Chimpedoes away, sir!

Easily outplayed by smoked bp monkeybombs, though. Especially with a teleport pads.

Nowadays nitroglycerin just explodes outright if you try to foam or smoke it.
My guess is that this was done in order to prevent people from turning the entire station into a minefield like before.
Nitroglycerin is a god-awful chemical, and used to gib people by simply throwing glasses containing 5u of nitroglycerin at people.
(11-20-2016, 06:15 AM)ErikHanson Wrote: Nitroglycerin is a god-awful chemical, and used to gib people by simply throwing glasses containing 5u of nitroglycerin at people.

If you do that now, it'll just gib you, the thrower!

Edit: alright, a really big thing that makes nitroglycerin even more useless is that it seems to have a random chance to explode upon being transferred containers. It's utterly random too. Fits the unstable nature, but makes you want to work even less with it when the explosion means that you die with zero chance of recovery due to gibbing.
perhaps these random chances to fuck you over could be simply lowered bit by bit until equilibrium is reached
Nitro is funny to make and accidentally get gibbed by but frustrating as fuck if you want to do anything of consequence with it. While it's not the HARDEST secret chem recipe, it is kinda time-consuming and inefficient for something that will liquify you if you look at it wrong, so much so that you cannot even do anything with it.

I forget if you can put it in a beaker in someone's backpack or something??
It should have roughly as much utility as BP.

Maybe just make dynamite a thing? If concern is made over power, the recipe yield could be scaled back. Since smoking/foaming is already disabled (barring nerd tricks, unless they took that out), then giving nitro glycerine a similar usage to NI3 wouldn't be horrible either.
making something have "roughly as much utility" as something else is very nearly giving up on having it at all, because why have two different things that do the same thing? well, apart from all those other things that also already do the same things as each other

what it needs is a funny and or clever original use for it that other chemicals shouldnt impinge on.

if explosive tomatoes and hurled rainbow melons werent already staple foods i would suggest nitroglycerin impregnated melons or coconuts, but alas

and as for turning drinks into explosives, the shit served at the bar is often deadly enough already, whether swallowed or thrown

maybe it could combine with enriched msg and butter and cholesterol and porktonium and omnizine (the nitroglycerin here serving to help keep your heart functioning) to turn a spaceman into a sort of blubber hulk
It appears that Nitroglycerin is stabilized with "diatomaceous earth", or a type of soft, crumbly soil. Maybe compost could have a 60% chance to stabilize nitroglycerin and make nitroglycerin not exploded unless heated?
diatomaceous earth is just the glassy shell remnants of single-celled "diatoms"
The diatom dies and the shell falls to the bottom of lakes.
After the lake dries, diatomaceous earth remains.

so, finely crushed organic glass, basically.
Fun fact: Diatomaceous earth is an effective killer of various crawling insects and is used in gardening

It's frequently cited as a harmless to humans pesticide, which is half true. While it causes no problems to touch or even consume, breathing it in can be hazardous as it is incredibly abrasive on a microscopic level
(11-20-2016, 06:03 PM)misto Wrote: making something have "roughly as much utility" as something else is very nearly giving up on having it at all, because why have two different things that do the same thing? well, apart from all those other things that also already do the same things as each other
noun: utility

1. the state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial.

An axe can have as much utility as a shovel, or closer to the point, dynamite can have as much utility as detcord.

At current, nitroglycerine has little to no utility.
alright my friends, i just thought of a good use for nitroglycerin, but theres only one problem

since our airlocks open mopstly by sliding sideways, i dont think we could balance a bucket of nitroglycerin on a door as a trap, and there arent enough wooden doors on station for it to be truly useful

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