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Black Graphical Glitch
Entering a pod causes black squares to appear over layers, a major framerate drop, and the worst thing is that it doesn't go away until I reconnect.

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Happened again during a nuke round.

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And when respawning on ass day. This is the proper version installed and everything.

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Mesons also darken the areas outside of view. I can still see through the walls, just that it's really dark. Same thing with the pod scanners that give meson vision.
Glasses of liquid such as glasses and beakers do not show the color of the contents in inventory or when held in hand.
Also, clicking on beakers to grab them in hand is back to tediously clicking the few pixels on the outer edge, all of the clear pixels are unclickable.

This occured after the lighting change
Has anyone noticed thermals are pretty damn useless now? I'm pretty sure they're supposed to help you see people in the dark, considering how they let you see cloakers.
those "lighting" bugs are instead BYOND bugs that happen on all BYOND servers but isn't entirely reproducible yet.
What about the meson scanners? I miss them working correctly.
(10-24-2016, 07:45 PM)Ultimate Shrek Fan Wrote: What about the meson scanners? I miss them working correctly.

100% broken!!!
(10-24-2016, 10:23 PM)drymelon Wrote:
(10-24-2016, 07:45 PM)Ultimate Shrek Fan Wrote: What about the meson scanners? I miss them working correctly.

100% broken!!!
As the AI, when switching between adjacent cameras, either with arrows/wasd or when tracking someone, sometimes instead of just a black screen while loading, it seems to randomly grab a bunch of entities from nearby camera views and shove those together, looking like an area messed up by a bad graviton grenade, while the camera loads.

While this doesn't affect anything performance wise, it is really annoying and keeps tricking me into thinking there's things like corpses in space which are actually bushes and stuff like that. Basically a big waste of time while I double check that was a chair in space and not a human.

How to replicate: Play as AI, go through a bunch of cams by arrows or tracking someone, it happens most of the time, but not always.

EDIT: Got a screenshot, this is what it looks like most of the time while loading
[Image: T2G28tN.png]
Its not just an AI thing I think, couple days ago I ran into a lag-zone and things like this would happen:

[Image: LLJK%20RP%201%20NSS%20Destiny%202016-11-22%20145503.png]
Yeah. If you're dragging someone (grab intent and click, not pull), you're gonna get these visual bugs. Also I think if you move far too fast.
I have no idea why this is happening, I can hardly see anything.
I disabled graphics hardware, but that didn't seem to work still.
[Image: QHq5RyM.png]

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