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Grody Gizmo and other
Grody Gizmo is a flesh covered grenade launcher looking thing that fires various organs.... found on meat station aparently... idea is awesome, kinda like a warlock sacrificing yer health to deal damage to enemy however, its a suicide item at the moment as the target (in my case doctors in medbay) receive 2 brute per hit while i suffer a lot more damage (10 or more)! i strongly suggest this awesome weapon be upgraded properly, it could shoot bones as bullets (useless vs armor, but effective on targets without armor) at 10% cost of damage dealt to the target, be dealt to the user, but also would give the user a small regeneration to heal brute damage received. It could also cause the target to bleed a lot (while also taking a wee bit of blood from the user per shot).

So basically the users brute damage points and blood units would be the ammo, but luckily for the user the weapon would give a small regeneration bonnus to heal ower time making the weapon balanced for use. Loosing one arm to the weapon and risking death if the weapon is used too much is a nice counter balance to "unlimited ammo" and a slight regeneration boost (can be idk 1 brute point and blood unit per second). Weapon would be good for a single unarmored target, could take on 2, but anything more would knock out the user or maybe even send into critical (in which case the slow regeneration the weapon gives might not be enough to keep the user alive)

I also thought of a completely biological short range weapon that could be also on the meat station, it would generate toxic acid, and spray it (maybe like a flamethrower? or a spray bottle?) it would give the user a slight toxin regeneration (so the user can heal from any "friendly fire" slowly ower time. Unlike the Grody Gizmo however this weapon would have certain capacity, and would slowly regenerate its ammo ower time. The acid could be sulphuric acid (or stomach acid hahah) something strong enough to melt faces off in a 2-3 sprays, and with persistent use doors and walls (altho that would take so long it would be faster to just hack them or deconstruct them). Also this weapon permanently ocupies the arm just like the Grody Gizmo.

Another weapon i thought of is sort of a bladed stinger (more like a poisoned dagger with weak brute damage) which delivers a bit of poison into targets with each stab, which acts slowly (takes like a minute) to knockout or imobilize the target, wery good for ambushes and guerilla warfare where you stab the enemy a few times then run and wait for poison to imobilize them and come back to finish them off (altho poison lasts shortly, and the target can get reinforcements during that time or hide). This weapon would be permanently atached to the arm, however it would not cripple the hand (not unless in use). It would be a concealed weapon, basically a "gene power" which can be deployed and undeployed at will. When deployed it would be visible easily and hand could not be used as normal. Poison would slowly regenerate, however the blade aka stinger would be a weak weapon and unpractical for actually killing (would take a really long time to kill someone with it it would be faster to strangle or toolbox). In other words this weapon is about as good as a syringe with a slow-acting knockout drug, with small brute damage (maybe we could add a "cut-throat" finisher move? that works only on imobilized victims). To make the weapon tricky to use even more, i think the posion should only imobilize (or make people fall a lot) but not silence or blind (knockout) so the victim can watch and listen and scream as the "hunter" is closing in for the final blow...

We could add more such biological mutation-weapons, especially if they are recreatable in pathology! imagine arming the security with lets say a blood bourne pathogen that can temporarily give them weapons, pretty much like activating a tool or gene power,or makign the pathogen air borne and arming everyone... wery useful in lets say nuke ops rounds... i doubt nuke ops would expect all crew to have a mutation which allows them to sprout the 3 weapons mentioned above and  or  boneblades, boneshields, bonemaces, bone armor.

To be honest most of this already exists on other servers (example alien facehugger lamar when injected with creatine becomes a biological hand weapon which deals weak brute and some toxic damage, regenerates its own ammo... i often used it instead of a jetpack, but wasnt bad in pvp if used along with other weapons, however if used as a main weapon it was pathetic)
The bone growths and such i saw wheere burrowers (some type of symbiotic space worms played by players) would feed on the host and occupy a body part but in return would evolve to asist and protect the host in many ways.

I think the unused pathology would be more atractive to players if they could create or at least copy such things!
Oh, God, if pathology became some sort of pseudo-ling-creating Prototype lab. .
Then actually, yeah, that would be probably way more amusing than the current "shakespeare and emote spam every round" meta.

And I'm always up for body horror, as it happens.
I can't directly comment on the balance of any of this. But a mutation pathogen that makes people get blades for arms is pretty sick.
Bladed arms is more of a genetics thing than a pathology thing - though pathology is in need of a larger pool of symptoms. Especially good symptoms.
If Pathology had any actually good symptoms (besides the regeneration one) then maybe it wouldn't be such a no-man's land/traitor-only territory. As it stands, infinite monkeys spamming infinite emotes and compulsive shakespeare is annoying.

Shakespeare is doubly annoying on Destiny, because compulsive speech vs RP yada yada so on so on.
Seriously, pathology needs to be improved to be more than trolling and traitoring, but yeah, armblades and such feel a little more genetics than pathology.
(10-02-2016, 08:56 PM)Camnui Wrote: Seriously, pathology needs to be improved to be more than trolling and traitoring, but yeah, armblades and such feel a little more genetics than pathology.

My ideal bio-science rework:
Botany: Makes freakish plant grafts and pod people.
Robotics: Augmentation out the wazoo and blood replacements.
Pathology: Beneficial mutagenic diseases. (Maybe some sort of symbiote-parasite thing.)
Genetics: Not getting bombed constantly, but also giving people sick mutant limbs.
I'm pretty certain I've put forth a number of new symptom suggestions. We just need to get them coded in.
a simple sort of beneficial pathology would be to tweak the disease to generate beneficial chems of your choice into your body. hopefully it would also sip a bit of your blood at the same time to prevent hypertension

as for meat guns, synthflesh and synthmeat and beff and pepperoni could be their ammunition :3
I had an idea a while back that culturing bacterial pathogens in different chemicals could have the potential to have the bacteria mutate and start producing that chemical.

You could then use a fermenter to multiply the bacteria and mass-produce the chemical. So, you could produce loads of omnizine or other benificial chemicals via culturing bacteria.
tbh irl many viruses alter DNA of the host too (they basically reproduce by changing the cells DNA sometimes) so yea they can borderline the genetical traits we currently have in the game, but pathogens can be use for effects on massive scale unlike genetics where ya gotta do each person separately. It is not rare for diseases to cause bodily mutations, from scars to growths, some are even beneficial.
If you're looking for genetics stuff to be replicated by pathogens, then psychic powers like telekinesis and empathic thought seem best thematically. Psychics being created by a disease is a common trend in the stories that involve psychic powers, and it fits the idea that the pathogen is living in symbiosis.
(10-03-2016, 05:34 PM)Vuk Farkas Wrote: tbh irl many viruses alter DNA of the host too (they basically reproduce by changing the cells DNA sometimes) so yea they can borderline the genetical traits we currently have in the game, but pathogens can be use for effects on massive scale unlike genetics where ya gotta do each person separately. It is not rare for diseases to cause bodily mutations, from scars to growths, some are even beneficial.

(10-03-2016, 11:13 PM)ferriswheel1 Wrote: If you're looking for genetics stuff to be replicated by pathogens, then psychic powers like telekinesis and empathic thought seem best thematically. Psychics being created by a disease is a common trend in the stories that involve psychic powers, and it fits the idea that the pathogen is living in symbiosis.

This is sounding vaguely familiar... oh wait, TLDR Armband injects virus that gives people super strength, speed, and intelligence, along with a couple other things. Then person eventually develops an immunity to the virus, and becomes normal again.
(10-03-2016, 05:34 PM)Vuk Farkas Wrote: tbh irl many viruses alter DNA of the host too (they basically reproduce by changing the cells DNA sometimes) so yea they can borderline the genetical traits we currently have in the game, but pathogens can be use for effects on massive scale unlike genetics where ya gotta do each person separately. It is not rare for diseases to cause bodily mutations, from scars to growths, some are even beneficial.

This is most certainly correct. I was approaching this from an angle of wanting to avoid redundant effects gameplay wise.
well i was looking of an actual mix of temporary and permanent (unless anti pathogens are made in the lab) we could make pathogens that unless stabilized or strenghtened would be temporary and pathogens that are permanent (unless a counter pathogen is made in the lab) we could even make a zombie virus by combining fleshrot with rabies (which was done irl but i wont explain further) and then adding some rejuvenating pathogen which revives corpses, but doesnt heal them. That way ya will have true zombies hahah (i mean player zombies, not NPC zombies).
Imagine the RP that can get outta this "Zed the zombie" a mad scientist who infects himself with the virus to avoid permanent death (unless like the NPC zombies, gets gibbed). I bet adventurers would love this... death wouldnt matter much besides delay or being stuck, mostlikely de-limbed, while mobs rain a beatdown hahaha.

In fact i remember adventuring on some server, forgot which code, and i ran into a small gym with zombies... near it was also a pathogen lab again with zombies... and unless ya gibbed them they would rise up again after a few minutes (always wore a gun and a knife for that).

We could also make symbiotes, preferably host controled, instead of other players controling them. Which evolve ower time, and host can choose what to evolve (regenerations boost, advanced regeneration which grows back body parts, durability etc). Symbiotes could be syrgically implanted and removed (in which case abilities reset)
(10-04-2016, 05:34 PM)Vuk Farkas Wrote: well i was looking of an actual mix of temporary and permanent (unless anti pathogens are made in the lab) we could make pathogens that unless stabilized or strenghtened would be temporary and pathogens that are permanent (unless a counter pathogen is made in the lab) we could even make a zombie virus by combining fleshrot with rabies (which was done irl but i wont explain further) and then adding some rejuvenating pathogen which revives corpses, but doesnt heal them. That way ya will have true zombies hahah (i mean player zombies, not NPC zombies).
Imagine the RP that can get outta this "Zed the zombie" a mad scientist who infects himself with the virus to avoid permanent death (unless like the NPC zombies, gets gibbed). I bet adventurers would love this... death wouldnt matter much besides delay or being stuck, mostlikely de-limbed, while mobs rain a beatdown hahaha.

In fact i remember adventuring on some server, forgot which code, and i ran into a small gym with zombies... near it was also a pathogen lab again with zombies... and unless ya gibbed them they would rise up again after a few minutes (always wore a gun and a knife for that).

We could also make symbiotes, preferably host controled, instead of other players controling them. Which evolve ower time, and host can choose what to evolve (regenerations boost, advanced regeneration which grows back body parts, durability etc). Symbiotes could be syrgically implanted and removed (in which case abilities reset)

Dude, I love these ideas, but you've got to format correctly or noone will want to read em.

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