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Security axe
Give the HoS an axe. It'll work like a stunbaton so he can cut crimers down without killing them, and it can be emagged to cut crimers up too.
Why does an axe need an emag. Its an axe.
(09-17-2016, 06:28 PM)Mageziya Wrote: Why does an axe need an emag. Its an axe.

It's a stun axe, you gotta emag it to take off the stun part.
At that point, you question why its shaped like an axe if it can't achieve axe functions without malicious tampering.
an energy-fueled power axe that can 'break down' doors/airlocks by chopping/melting through them with repeated swings, but has ingrained safety features to shut off and become inert before hitting humans unless emagged

there, it works thematically and has a special cool function
Halo 3 gravity hammer.
Clearly this is no ordinary axe, no this is a top of the line beam axe with smart chip that only turns it in on when held by the HoS. It's pretty much a glorified crowbar in the hands of anyone else--and if they're set to arrest it shocks them. It comes built in with modular grenade launcher capable of holding a single standard grenade round that can be activated by clicking a switch on the weapon. The module can of course be removed and replaced for personnel customization (further modules are currently not available at this time).
(09-17-2016, 07:09 PM)RAWK_LAWBSTAR Wrote: Clearly this is no ordinary axe, no this is a top of the line beam axe with smart chip that only turns it in on when held by the HoS. It's pretty much a glorified crowbar in the hands of anyone else--and if they're set to arrest it shocks them. It comes built in with modular grenade launcher capable of holding a single standard grenade round that can be activated by clicking a switch on the weapon. The module can of course be removed and replaced for personnel customization (further modules are currently not available at this time).

Oh shit, this would actually be a fucking awesome thing to give the Hoss. The beam axe that fucks you over if you aren't a HOS/you're a crimer, can break into some doors/possibly walls with enough time (I AM THE LAW, etc, getting into barricaded/etc areas like a badass), and can shoot a grenade/be switched out for other purposes, making the HoS a powerful force of justice.

It'd basically have to be used responsibly, too, since HOS is apply-only (and that one latejoin day). I support this, this seems like a legitimately neat thing to add and something to distinguish the HoS and mark his authority and power. He can't be tater, either, so there you go.

EDIT: Also it could let you chop down trees, to ruin the owlery/centcom/some other areas.
It should be a fasces, to show who really wields the power on the station/ship.

It should be able to chop down doors/walls and the stun/grenade/laser should be swappable modules.
I remember reading on the wiki that tasers used to be implant-locked and would backfire if you didn't have a security implant, but was removed due to being unfun. If we are going to make this item only work when used by the head of security, we could implement it using implant locks, by having the hos spawn with a unique implant that lets him use the axe without  getting shocked. Actually, if we add this using implant locks, we could have situations with a traitor doctor cutting out the Head of security's implant, giving it to himself, and going on a physco axe rampage. Fun.

On a more related topic, ,aybe we could make this like a Melee egun, letting the user toggle it between stun baton mode and power axe mode depending on the situation. Clown breaking into chemistry to make lube? Stun him and brig him for one million years five minutes. Vampire eating the captain? OFF WITH HIS HEAD!
(09-17-2016, 07:09 PM)RAWK_LAWBSTAR Wrote: Clearly this is no ordinary axe, no this is a top of the line beam axe with smart chip that only turns it in on when held by the HoS. It's pretty much a glorified crowbar in the hands of anyone else--and if they're set to arrest it shocks them. It comes built in with modular grenade launcher capable of holding a single standard grenade round that can be activated by clicking a switch on the weapon. The module can of course be removed and replaced for personnel customization (further modules are currently not available at this time).

This sounds extremely badass, I approve.
Top Hoss swings the power axe directly at Mann Crimer's neck!
The severed part sails off in an arc!

Top Hoss swings the power axe directly at his own neck! Holy fuck!
The severed part sails off in an arc!
Top Hoss' head lands in the disposal chute.
it could also chop wooden doors, such as are found in the owlery and bar, and which can be somewhat confounding when someone grabs a key and locks them
At this point I don't see why it can't just be an electric guitar with tacticool attachments.
HoS should have a choice between multiple badass tools with the same abilitys IE: they get a choice between stun axe, stun electric guitar, ETC

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