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The RegEx Replace and RegEx Find MechComp components do not work
RegEx Replace Component Bug
Overview: This component acts as a relay(passes on whatever comes in) instead of applying any RegEx.
  1. Link up Button > RegEx Replace > Sound Synthesizer
  2. Set the signal for the button to "olive garden"(no quotes)
  3. Set the expression for the RegEx to /olive//g
  4. Press the Button
Expected: The sound synthesizer says " garden"
Actual: The sound synthesizer says "olive garden"

RegEx Find Component Bug
Overview: This component stops all signals instead of letting through signals that match the expression. I could not find any expression that lets through a signal.
  1. Link up Button > RegEx Find > Sound Synthesizer
  2. Set the signal for the button to "olive garden"(no quotes)
  3. Set the expression for the RegEx to /olive/
  4. Press the Button
Expected: The sound synthesizer says "olive garden"
Actual: Nothing happens
Have you tried alternate methods of input? It could just be that the button's broken. In fact I think it might be that the button is broken.
Ya I tried all of the following with the same signal and RegEx setups and they didn't work.
  • Wifi > Signal splitter > RR > Sound
  • Pressure plate > RR > Sound
  • Pressure plate > RF > Sound
  • Microphone > RR > Sound
  • Microphone > RF > Sound
Note: This is probably related to the over-escaping of regex input strings (html and url encoding i think).
The regex component doesn't accept flags anymore.
Just input the plain regex.
The syntax for the RegEx Replace component used to be /find/replace/flags.
Now that RegEx components interpret slashes literally, the syntax to Replace is...
What, exactly?
Yes, the RegEx replace component no longer has full functionality. It still works, to an extent, by removing whatever string it has matched.

So two things could happen: either re-brand the component as a RegEx Remove Component(and update the default string so as not to confuse people as why it doesn't work); or implement the replace functionality once again. This would be my preferred approach.

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