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[Feature] Cable coil throwing net
Introduces an improvised weapon, a throwing net made of cable coil.

[Image: kfl7D2O.png]

  • Using a full cable coil + a rock will create a net.
  • The net is too big to fit in backpacks.
  • Throwing the net at someone will have a chance to catch them inside it, giving a short stun and trapping them.
  • The net has very low health, one hit from scissors will open it.
There are some features I would like to add but I'm unsure how, if anyone has ideas please share them:
  • A much less dumb way to create the net?
  • Have the chance to be caught by the net be based on stamina?
  • A small chance for the net to be reusable?
  • A way to keep the materials used to make up the net (erebite nets, anyone?)
Known bugs:
  • Catching the net will deliver the stun and delete the net, but not trap the person inside the net.
  • Since this uses ice cube code, there are probably some strange interactions.
if the target has wirecutters or a sharp implement such as shard, knife, c-saber, they should be able to cut their way out instantly with no trouble. doing this should destroy the net. people who are on fire should burn/melt out of the net instantly. hulks, macho men, werewolves and shambling aboms should be able to burst the net with brute strength.

pipe frames might be better and more commonplace weights than rocks. only mining has rocks lying around ever, and they dont bother bringing them inside.

this could be quite dangerous even without the stun. if it simply reduced someones movement speed it would open them up to being shot with greater accuracy, or caught up to by an angry mob.

i do not think ice cube is quite the correct path to take with it. a net isnt something that freezes you solid, its something you can struggle out of in a few seconds. so, a short resist timer should be explored, like struggling out of handcuffs, but easier. even 3 seconds of resist timer could be a lot in a dangerous fight.

once this is working, it could also serve as the base code for an improved version for security to fire from their grenade launcher.

this would also go great with the spiderman costume
I think it would be pretty hilarious if I could slow down a running Badman by throwing a net on him. I like this idea. Slowdown/resist timer seems pretty potent while not being super-broken due to its complexity and single-use nature

Pipe frames could be a fine weight for it, or just sheets or something
(08-21-2016, 08:57 PM)misto Wrote: people who are on fire should burn/melt out of the net instantly.
Its made of wire. The insulation would melt/burn off, but there's still metal underneath.
im pretty sure that cable coils are still flammable in game, but maybe its only extreme hellburn heats that make them burn up. maybe im confusing them with boxes of cable coils, which burn up and make their contents vanish
I'm good with slow down, but should it also work kinda like handcuffs where you can't use things and be dragged easily? 

Sharp objects probably shouldn't be instant freeing but be much quicker than without them.

Except maybe if you're freeing someone else. That could be instant.
(08-21-2016, 09:58 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I'm good with slow down, but should it also work kinda like handcuffs where you can't use things and be dragged easily? 

Sharp objects probably shouldn't be instant freeing but be much quicker than without them.

Except maybe if you're freeing someone else. That could be instant.

I like all these ideas. Don't burn nets off. Also, the net's a pretty cool idea for the fact it isn't at all damaging (unless you trap someone in a hazard zone), so it allows community justice & cooperation.

there should be a reskin for cowboy purposes that is a lasso functioning pretty much the same way
I like this idea. I'd like to suggest being able to wrap up the net so it fits in backpacks, which would take a few seconds. Unwrapping it would take the same/less time but with a chance to tangle it and increase the time. You would have to stand still to wrap/unwrap and it would do a big message like handcuffs.
i dont really like them utterly disabling you from using things in your hands. maybe it could make you drop things in your hands due to initial net impact, but you could just reach thru the loops of the net to pick them back up again and keep firing/stabbing. so it would be like a short-ranged disarm+slowdown effect, not pure disabling like handcuffs
(08-21-2016, 11:36 PM)misto Wrote: i dont really like them utterly disabling you from using things in your hands. maybe it could make you drop things in your hands due to initial net impact, but you could just reach thru the loops of the net to pick them back up again and keep firing/stabbing. so it would be like a short-ranged disarm+slowdown effect, not pure disabling like handcuffs

this seems reasonable, still disruptive

edit: && i support the wrapping & unwrapping idea, it'd be able to fit in a backpack i think with that
I support this patch.

Also I gave it a 5/5 thread rating because I figured it would give it more attention.

I like the idea of both pipe frames and rocks being used as weights IMO. Mining could just make thousands of nets and become net warriors.

Even better if this could be used to stop or slow down mobs which can't usually be stunned.
(08-22-2016, 03:45 AM)atomic1fire Wrote: I support this patch.

Also I gave it a 5/5 thread rating because I figured it would give it more attention.

I like the idea of both pipe frames and rocks being used as weights IMO. Mining could just make thousands of nets and become net warriors.

Even better if this could be used to stop or slow down mobs which can't usually be stunned.

I would fucking adore if I could use these on mobs, considering how deadly lions and space bears and the like are.
(08-22-2016, 04:12 AM)Nnystyxx Wrote:
(08-22-2016, 03:45 AM)atomic1fire Wrote: I support this patch.

Also I gave it a 5/5 thread rating because I figured it would give it more attention.

I like the idea of both pipe frames and rocks being used as weights IMO. Mining could just make thousands of nets and become net warriors.

Even better if this could be used to stop or slow down mobs which can't usually be stunned.

I would fucking adore if I could use these on mobs, considering how deadly lions and space bears and the like are.

Not super relevant but I'm pretty sure a hacky way to deal with space mobs is to drag them onto a cargo cart and then you can pull them anywhere using one of those utility tractors. 

For aggressive mobs it works almost exactly like a cage where they can't do anything unless you let them off the cart.
I've successfully click dragged space bears back into their crates while they were attacking someone. I think it has to be a specific kind of crate though.
Lockers usually work.

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