The Grim Sleeper Wrote:I think the real problem is that the people who would use the money the most (staff assistants looking for nifty gear/chems/whatever) are also the ones with the least amount to spend. And the 1% can't be bothered to provide jobs for them to do in exchange for cash.
More vendors would help, but there just seems to be a general apathy towards money.
Eh, the former point is moot because there's plenty of ways as a staff assistant to actually make money, their slave wage is just to keep their account active. Protip: Don't roll staff assistant if you're looking to actually live off your wage. So yeah I feel that side of things is fine as is.
The main money maker would be the slot machine.. BUT then the reward:challenge ratio is literally zilch. I feel nothing should be changed on the slot machine, but the losing could roll a chance of something
bad happening, like the machine decking you in the face, injecting you with something, or a small chance of removing a limb. It's more exciting that way.
One armed Billy Jean finally wins the jackpot, but rolls again and critically fails, costing him his other arm. In his defenceless state his ID and all his money is then stolen by a faceless greyshirt, forever cursing him to his own hubris.
BUT.. then when you have a lot of money, the market is too unbalanced. With a hefty sack of billz you can buy literally almost everything, or one expensive af gimmick item, there's little inbetween. The issue is also doubled by the fact that there's not much items that would help someone at actually doing their job.
So yeah, the MAJOR issue is the lack of items and the issue of money being superfluous. The issue is clearly multifaceted.
More traders, more items that traders have and a more intricate way of people interacting with QM.
Side thought: Perhaps the AI could step in with people ordering shit from QM? The simple solution would be that people can contact traders too, but by paying with their own card or by requesting funds from QM. This is already pretty much in place but with the caveat that now the AI can hear requests and function as a QM if there is not one in place.