Torack: Mentor Application
Usual Character Name: Torack Morgue

BYOND Username: Torack77
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Times Available: I am available most hours after 7 PM on Wednesdays to 12 PM Sunday. Shortly in the future I will have less strenuous commitments and will be available almost 24/7

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): I am applying for this position within the games community because I have been a member for a little over 4 years. I feel that, within those 4+ years I have grown as a person within this community, I have certainly matured since I first played. I have spent the majority of the time learning various chemical recipes, I have also diversified into engineering, science in general, QM-ing, bartending, cooking and general med-bay duties, more recently I have been trying to figure out material science. I try to be helpful to the station, when people set group goals (e.g. Research attempts to retrieve the obsidian crown) I participate and help as much as I can, this includes wiping up various drug cocktails to treat injuries, etc. 

Once I mixed up a fuel tank for a flamethrower that somehow decapitated someone and incinerated the rest of their body, I'm not actually sure what I put in it though.
I am more than capable of creating bombs, both chemical and explosive using toxins labs.

I can set up the engine for a slow stable release of power or a hellburn proficiently.

I am not the best at security, mostly because I tend to be too lenient with my punishments, unless someone higher in the chain of command orders a specific/harsher punishment. While I am not the most robust person, I am fairly robust and know how to buff myself with chemicals.  

When I play QM the station rarely loses money, I am usually able to generate a very large surplus of credits rather quickly.

I understand genetics, I'm decent at figuring out the genetic codes fairly quickly, I'm rather efficient with cloning.

I have tried my hand at hydroponics but I was not that good at getting the mutations I wanted, I believe this is due mostly to the fact that the mutations are very RNG based and it is not a reflection of my abilities.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): I have been job-banned from science once, as well as being banned from the servers in 2012 during the month of March(first ban was on the 15th and the second was the 30th), both times due to starting fires and being dishonest about it. I can proudly say that I have moved beyond(byond) those idiotic and childish actions and attitudes. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this and considering me for this possible position.

I just realized I forgot to put in my time zone.

Sorry about that!

I can't really comment on your fitness for mentorship since I can't recall seeing you more than once or twice, though that's probably due more to time zone differences than anything else. For what it's worth, you weren't bad the few times I have seen you.
I vote yes. He's been around for years and for sure knows a thing or two.
I'm gonna thank both of you for the speedy replies!

But I might not respond further for a few hours.

Once again, thank you for the consideration.
Sorry I was gone for so long, I had work obligations and I was also hospitalized
Old timer who knows his stuff.
Torack has taught me some interesting stuff as well as knowing a lot in general, I vote yes as well.

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